Abducted by Aliens Educate Me

Whoops. Change That.

Ok, I got it all wrong yesterday. Well, I was right in what they found from the scopes, but wrong about us finally having an answer. I wrote that right after I got home, but before I had spoken with the doctor, since I couldn’t talk to him when I was knocked out for the procedure. (Yeah for super happy fun drugs!) They called me yesterday afternoon, confirmed all of the things that they found … and then confirmed that NONE of those things accounts for the strange pain I get in my right side below my rib cage.

Which, of course, was hurting as I went to sleep last night and again as I woke up this morning.

We’ll discuss more options at my follow-up appointment, but really I’m ready to just throw my hands up in the air and be done with it all. I’ve had my fill of tests, procedures, and everything else in the past three months. I am tired of doctors. We know it isn’t my gallbladder and I don’t have bleeding ulcers or anything of that sort. They won’t do anything about the hiatal hernia because it isn’t causing me any problems (and never has), or any of the other issues.

Today I’m off to buy my books for the spring semester. Classes start next week, and Photography I is my first class on Tuesday (we are off on Monday). That has to be a sign that things will be off to a good start, right? (Chemistry II is Mon/Wed, Photography I and Biology II are Tues/Thurs and Trig is a distance learning class.)

Post-script – props to Don for the comment in my last post about attributing my medical madness to the fact that I was abducted by aliens. I needed a category for all this nonsense, so that is it. I finally got around to adding an “Educate me” category too. WP 2.0 with the ability to add categories on the fly rocks!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

2 replies on “Whoops. Change That.”

I was at the same place a few years ago with a stupid pain on my left back. Multiple medical tests with no answer. And, yes, I still have the pain. I don’t like doctors, medical tests, etc. so I know exactly how you feel. Do you think we are related???!!!

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