I have more energy today then I have had since I returned. So much energy that I have been upstairs moving out boxes, rearranging things, and moving Jason from his old bedroom to the room that was the guest room at his request. The dust bunnies attacked though, so now that most of the work is done I think I’m going to have to call it quits for today. I really don’t want to wake up feeling worse tomorrow!
I still don’t have full recovery of my voice though. It isn’t quite the sexy, sultry screen vixen voice but more the mouse squeaky voice. I would really like my voice back.
I would also like my suitcase back. British Airways has had it since last Thursday, and I would like the rest of my wardrobe any time now. Mike was told last Thursday night that they knew where it was and we would have it within 48 hours. Sunday he was told that they didn’t know why he was told that, as they actually didn’t know where it was. Yesterday he was told that they had it in London; it seems that even though it was travelling with him, he put MY name on it. My maiden name, which is what is on my passport. Why? Because it was an “overflow” bag – a duffel bag that folds up tiny that I had with me that I put a bunch of dirty clothes in and a pair of shoes I would not need so that I had room in the suitcase for yarn. It was small enough for him to carry on, but I told him it was ok to check it. In his haste, it made sense to put my name on it since most of the stuff in the bag was mine.
He flew British Airways. I flew Continental. British Airways didn’t know whose bag it was because it didn’t match any information they had since I have never flown with them. Sigh. At least my bag might finally make it back to me now.
Now if only I could find my voice again.
2 replies on “The Good and the Bad…”
Not sure this will make you feel better or not, but when hubby flew to Milan last year for business, BA lost his luggage. The best thing I can tell you is to keep on them, and to check with the airport. His luggage made it to the hotel, and for several weeks afterwards, the BA baggage claim site said that the tracking was in progress.
i hate luggage issues like that. shouldn’t they have still had that barcode thing on there though, since he did check it? fucking airlines.