Thanks to Robyn, I found out that both Mikey and Jason are celebrating their birthday today! Whoo hoooo! Hope you both have a FANTASTIC day! And no matter what, don’t let a case of the Mondays bring you down!
This is further proof that my birthday list *really* needs to be updated. So, if you have a birthday, leave a note in my comments. Please. And don’t tell me that you don’t have a birthday because I know you do!
9 replies on “The List Needs to be Updated!”
awwww thanks Christine! hey, why are you up so late, anyways?
Because I had to wait until after midnight to post that it was your birthday? 😉 Ok, ok, I was getting all caught up on the Sex in the City episodes…
first of all — time on posts? very important. people do notice that extra posting effort in the wee hours.
secondly, 12-12.
which i shouldn’t even tell anyone because i never remember anyone else’s, so no one should remember mine. besides, i’m getting to that age i’d rather not have the darn things. *sigh*
1) I agree with kd, I love seeing the time on people’s posts. I just like watching the day progress in some blogs, and knowing when someone’s being an insomniac again.
2) May 29th.
I’m permanently an insomniac lately – on weekends more often than not I’m working until 3am.
All that said, May 27th.
My birthday is inconsequential, due to all the time travelling I’ve done recently.
Argh! She wants birthdays? I’m at the point where I’m trying to forget mine, having slide into base at 45. But if you insist, march 12th.
Oh, and hey, Nancy over at just turned 44 today, why don’t you all go wish her a hippo burpday! 🙂
Dude, you were already nice enough to wish me a happy on on May 9, so thanks! And thanks to this post, I spent time reviewing my birthday list in my Palm Pilot – just in time, too! I highly recommend DateMate, if you’re into heavy-duty birthday monitoring.
Hi. I feel odd doing this, seeing as I generally lurk, but my birthday is October 16th. Thank you. 🙂