The TiVo’s back!!!! The TiVo’s back!!! I am sooooooooo excited. I called in to TiVo last week, and they told me to try unplugging it for a long amount of time (not just unplug it & plug it back in like I had been doing) because that insures that it fully cycles – so I tried that. I unplugged it on Sunday & plugged it in last night and so far so good! I did have one small problem though, when I set it up to record on the VCR (I was going to record the last Queer As Folk that I had on TiVo in case Laura still wanted to borrow it) I wasn’t getting sound on the VCR. I have to look at my set-up tonight and then call in to TiVo if I can’t figure it out. Another great thing about TiVo is that they have great customer support. They are very friendly and helpful whenever I have had to call in. This is the first problem I have really had – the last time I called in was last fall when I got my digital cable box and I wanted to make sure I had everything configured correctly.
I am so excited! The TiVo’s back! If you have a TiVo you will understand – going back to regular TV after life with TiVo is really hard. I kept trying to rewind things or fast forward through commercials – and regular TV just couldn’t do it. But now the TiVo is back!