I really wanted to write up a long post for the Bloggin’ Lovefest, but my friend Naomi called and was on my side of town earlier. I haven’t seen her in some time, and I couldn’t pass it up.
So here is my Bloggin’ Lovefest post, a bit late. Feel the love!
The Usual Suspects:
:: Jennifer – I can’t even count the number of nights that Jennifer & I have spent on IM, chatting about all different things from men, children, blogs, code, and so much more. I am so thankful that I got to meet her in person last summer (see all the Boston photos at Pixelog because there is a dimension to her that you may not see online. It’s there, but you don’t always see it on the surface. She ROCKS!
:: Kristine – K/Christine Power! Activate! Kristine has challenged me to look at new ways of utilizing MT, and when I couldn’t make something work, she has been there to help. Aside from the coding challenges she helps me with, she is such a positive and loving person (even on her most down days) that it amazes me. She has been there for me through many rants, been a shoulder to lean on when I needed one, and a friend to laugh with in the good times. I’m thankful that she’s my friend.
More Love:
:: Brandy – Mebot! I love Bran’s design work. It is always such a thrill for me to see new designs on her site. Her writing amuses me, her drawings are great – she is the best!
:: Ciscley – The number 1 fan of the first round of Blogwhore, Cis captured my heart with her witty commentary on the game. From there we have talked about photos, blogs, code, pets, you name it. She is amazing!
:: Donna – She’s Delirious Cool and I adore her for it. She has the ability to make me laugh, to make me cry, to make me think. Plus she mailed me really, really yummy pink cookies last fall!
:: ed k. – Ed will make you stop and think. We share a background in the legal field, which we discovered at the end of Blogwhore last summer. He encouraged me to join the mayhem at Big Blogger, and he was my number one fan. He is a man of great wisdom who manages to have a great sense of humor through it all.
:: Jennifer – J-Mo from my block, Jen lives right here in Houston and yet we’ve never met in person. Someday soon we must get together finally for those margaritas! She makes me happy, and that’s what matters!
:: Kathy – We read each other’s blogs in the early days, back in spring of 2000 was the first time I read hers when she ran a group for Houston bloggers. However I didn’t meet her in person until last fall, and I’m so glad I did!
:: Meryl – I have learned so much from Meryl in the years that I have known her. Again, a friendship that grew over IM, we used to watch the Amazing Race together. That moved on to snarky IM sessions over things like award shows and the horrid dresses some of the women would wear. Another blogger that I got to meet in person, she helped make my SXSW experience last year fantastic! I’m thankful that she is my friend & I wish her & her family the best as she is expecting a baby now!
:: The Mighty Geek – I laugh every time I read this site. Not just laugh, but laugh hard. If you are looking for a funny blog to read, be sure to visit the Geek. He will rule your world.
:: Promo – Through thick & thin, Promo’s been there. Whenever I need to talk about gadget goodness, he’s been there. I remember the earliest days of the Monday Mission, and it makes me smile when I see how it has grown. He is just an all around wonderful guy!
:: Rannie – We first met while playing in Blogwhore, but our friendship grew deeper after that. Through photo contests, photo tips, encouragement, chats about men, you name it. His photos are breathtaking, his words are wonderful, and he is among the best Blogwhores ever!
This has been fun – I still have a lot more that I want to share – so I will contine the lovefest on! Why limit it to one day when there is so much more? By the way – my list is as long as it is for a reason. I’ve been blogging since 2000 – there are a lot of people out there that have touched me, inspired me, and so forth. I would rather share the love with all of them!
6 replies on “The Usual Suspects and More…”
awww, christine! what a nice surprise, that made my day! 🙂
you know….we WILL get those margaritas, and soon! (got any plans for this weekend yet???) 😉
whee! you bloggin’ love me, too? you are so sweet! i have yet to comprise my list, too… even though i will be late.
Shiny, happy people holding hands
Ok, I’m going to make a list of everyone that’s told me they are particpating in the Bloggin’ Lovefest, and put it right here on the main page for easy access. Since the other entry already has so many comments/pings about the concept itself — this i…
feelin the loooove
hey. 🙂 i got some looove yesterday, but…i wasn’t paying attention, and didn’t dish any out myself. so i’m
Not a bad way to get started.
A huge variety of participation positives, chock full of linkety goodness.
Not a bad way to get started.
A huge variety of participation positives, chock full of linkety goodness.