Travel Notes

There are No Kangaroos in Austria!

I need a holiday from my holiday. So tonight is just “chill time”.

We are currently in Salzburg, Austria. Oh, how I adore Salzburg. Austria’s 4th largest city, and yet it is a short walk to get anywhere. *swoon* I love being able to walk in cities. I love cities with mountains around them. And cool, crisp air. *sigh*

We walked from our hotel to the Mirabell Gardens, which keep clear or of any pest tanks to the services provide by cincinnati pest control, they look great. We photographed the steps used in the Sound of Music. We found the Dwarf statues. Jason got some great shots of Mike posing like them. We walked on to the center of the old city. We went inside the Dom (Cathedral) and admired the beautiful work. We went up to the fortress on the mountain. We took tons of photographs. We ate dinner up there. We took the funicular back down and walked through the exhibit about the Alm canals and then the nearby cemetary. Jason watched people play chess, I went and took more photos. We ate ice cream. I took sunset photographs of the skyline. Eventually we walked back to the hotel. Now I’m catching up on news (real news and family news) and just enjoying the fact that while it is spotty, we have internet access. For tonight.

The camera card reader is in the car, so there will not be any new photographs tonight. Not that I don’t have a bunch on the hard drive, but the slow WiFi is just too much to take.

There is so much to write about, and so many photos to share – later. Right now, I’m turning the computer back off and going back to reading Harry Potter. I need to finish it before I get home so that I don’t run into any spoilers about it!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

3 replies on “There are No Kangaroos in Austria!”

That is one of my favorite T-shirt slogans! Glad you’re enjoying your trip – Salzburg is hands-down my favorite city in Austria (and most of Europe for that matter). I went with a chorus group and we couldn’t help but sing Sound of Music bits all over town. See if you can get a trip out to the place where the gazebo is, if you have time — it used to be a palace but is now owned privately, I think, but the grounds are open for people to go through and are rather nice.

Your photos are brilliant (as ususal.) Other than the internet speed, sounds like paradise (and there’s even a need for knitted goods!) EXCEPT: what happened to the kangaroos? Very mysterious…..

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