
TiVo Rewards for TiVo-Tees!

It’s about freakin’ time. After I’ve inspired … oh, I don’t know, probably at least 10 people if not more to purchase a TiVo, TiVo now offers a TiVo Rewards program! For each person you refer to TiVo, you earn 5,000 points when they activate their box. For just 25,000 points, you earn a 140 hour TiVo!

I think they owe me at least two of them. I’d like one of the special edition TiVo watches too.

If you purchase a TiVo because I’ve been pimping them for 4 years now, be sure to let them know I sent you. You just need to give them my e-mail address of Christine .at. (You know the drill – smoosh it all together.)

An interesting side note? I purchased my TiVo during the 2000 Summer Olympic Games. There was a special rebate going on for the Olympics. Now, 4 years later, I can’t imagine watching the Olympics without it.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

7 replies on “TiVo Rewards for TiVo-Tees!”

I got my Tivo back in Sept. 2000. I was one of the Tivo Giveaway winners, despite the crappiness of the essay I submitted. My husband teased me about entering until we got it set up and learned how to use it. Now, he loves it. 😀 (I’ll be so sad when we finally have to replace it.)

Hmmmm, I wonder how far back they’d let me report you as an inspiration?! 🙂 I guess I signed up a few months too early for your benefit, dearie!
I :heart: my tivo, its SO wonderful, and I already am plotting getting a second one for downstairs. 😉

See, that’s why Tivo is fabulous. It can record the shows you really want to watch while you are out getting buff – then you can watch them late at night (or whenever is good for you) at your leisure. TV no longer interrupts your workout! And you can Tivo while you use a treadmill! It’s fantastic! (I *heart* Tivo!)

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