To answer the question of the day, we are registered at Bed Bath & Beyond and Williams-Sonoma. The wedding date is May 29, 2004. My last name is Selleck, just like Tom. (But more on that later…)
To answer the question of the day, we are registered at Bed Bath & Beyond and Williams-Sonoma. The wedding date is May 29, 2004. My last name is Selleck, just like Tom. (But more on that later…)
7 replies on “To Answer The Question…”
I take it I’m not the only one asking about registries today?
No, I’ve had numerous questions over the past several days. I figured it was post-worthy in case anyone else was wondering!
Cool beans! Congrats and have a great wedding (mine is May 1st of 2004!)
Bitchin. I was wondering where I was getting my fellow Aggie her stuff at. And here I was ready to buy you two his & her matching Maroon Out T-shirts for the upcoming football season.
Gig ’em, girl – happy for ya!
And also, forget not that next Saturday (the 17th) is Maroon & White Game Day up in College Station. And yes, I am very well aware that this post had nothing to do with Aggies or Aggieland, or Maroon & White Day, but this is a comment so I can say it since it’s my comment and I am a fellow Aggie.
I am also aware this is about your registry, not Maroon & White Day, which is April 17. Did I mention that?
But seriously – Williams Sonoma is on like Donkey Kong.
I hope you have a wonderful shower tomorrow. I wish I could be there.
Is there going to be a bonfire cake?
No, no bonfire cake. Considering Mike went to Rice, that probably wouldn’t be nice. 😉
There will be Big Pink Cookies though. And Coffee. Maybe in a corner.