
To Knit or Not to Knit…

Jaywalker 1, End of Heel Flap

I cast on last Thursday for the Jaywalker socks, then took them with me for my glucose test on Friday, with me when I went to see Deb on Saturday, and I’ve picked them up and worked on them here and there since then. Today while waiting for another doctor’s appointment, I reached the end of the heel flap. I decided to modify the pattern and just continue the zig zag down the heel since I normally wear shoes that don’t have a back to them. I didn’t like the heel that was on the pattern – I wanted the cool zig zags to show themselves to the world! I’ll finish the heel tomorrow and then I’m down to the foot. My feet are pretty short, so that should go by fast. And if I end up missing work that’s find because I’ll just get a fake rocketparkmusic doctor’s note.

I’m using Trekking XXL in color 109; I think I got it at Yarns 2 Ewe here in Houston. I love the colors, and they are blending together so nicely. The pattern is perfect for showing the colors off. I normally have to go down 2 needle sizes; I tried the first pattern using an Addi Turbo 2.25mm (not quite a US 1), but it was too big. I cast on using the larger size and then switched to Addis 1.25mm – a US 000! The needle is as skinny as the cable for the needles. It is just crazy! Now that I’m used to them, it is pretty smooth knitting.

I still need to figure out what to knit for the Knitting Olympics. I want to use yarn that I already own. I want something that will be a challenge to make in 16 days (from cast on to blocking), but I need to make sure I have time to study. I’m down to one of these (or something similar):
Helen’s Lace in Black Purl.
– Another Clapotis, using the yarn just like Julia’s.
– Another Charlotte’s Web, using the yarn I bought on my summer vacation

The Helen’s Lace is the one I am most likely to choose – it is garter stitch, short rows, and “simple” enough that I can still watch the ice skating while knitting. We can’t have something that could be distracting! I’m still worried though that it might be too easy, but I need to remember that I’ll have projects to work on for my classes at the same time. Set the bar high, but know your limits, right?

Speaking of decisions, I’m considering doing a knitting podcast. Yeah, I’m hooked after listening to them for the past week. Now I just need to decide – should I host it here, and post show notes at BigPinkCookie? Or should I use either or for it? I’m leaning towards since I can think of cute themes to go with it. Hmmm… Any suggestions?

Hey, if anyone uses RSS feeds to read my site, could you let me know if they are showing up ok? My subscription through NewsGatorOnline is fine, but it has been so quiet in the comments I wondered if the others were showing up. Say “Hi!” if you see this so I know it is working ok! It is like a mini Delurking Day!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

16 replies on “To Knit or Not to Knit…”

Hey, I added you to my bloglines over the week-end so I can’t say much about your feed, before then. But it did pick you up tonight 🙂 I don’t have any suggestions for the podcast, but I am addicted to them myself. I say the more the merrier! Good luck.

I hooked you up, Christina. You’ve got strikes, and your HTML wasn’t jacked up at all.

Hi Liz! Hi Janna! Yeah! More blogs to read!

So, is one of the URLs easier to remember than the other? Or would it make just as much sense to leave it at BigPinkCookie? It just doesn’t seem very knnitterly. I want to use my cool knitting domains, like all the other knitting peeps!

I’m kind of old-fashioned and am not using a news aggregator to read your site, so I can’t comment on that; however, I think hosting your knitting podcast on the pointy sticks domain would be perfect 🙂

Love your photos, by the way. I’m still using a G2–are you happy with your camera “upgrade?” I’ve got a birthday coming up and need to start dropping some hints around my husband, hehehe 🙂

Delurking to say….well, I found you through Debu and I just had to say how THRILLED I was to see that you referenced the Judys (Guyana Punch) on her blog!!! Oh goody, goody – no one ever remembers the Judys.

That’s it, just a great musical reference. Cheers!

Valkyrie & Jenn – Hi! Thanks for delurking, now I know where to find you! (You know, in a good way.)

Amy – happy with the camera upgrade? I looooooooooove it. I will admit though, the G2 takes *really* good photographs. I just like the power of manual. (Having control, etc over the camera.) The sock photo above was taken in auto mode though. Sometimes that is just easier.

StarzAbove – I really like the XXL yarn. And I’m getting more and more psyched about the podcast! (And nervous at the same time. Eee!)

Sally – the Judys ROCK! I adore them. There is a website with RealAudio copies of most of their songs, and every once in awhile I like to go there just to listen to them and sing along. 20 years later, I still know almost all of the words.

Oh, pretty please email me the location of the Judy’s songs! I did a search last night to no avail. I have Washarama and Moo on vinyl, but ALAS for me, no digital goodness.

Washarama was the soundtrack of my late high school and early college years. I am a rabid 80’s music fan and the Judy’s are TOPS on my list.


I think is an adorable site for a knitting podcast. I’d use that! By the way, (a) did you see I answered your question about converting to a short-row heel, and thanks very much for the comment, and (b) are you going to KNOT tomorrow night?

Sally – it is at There are tons of goodies there, plus the most important things – the music!!! Someday we might have to hook up and digitize those albums of yours (we would need a turntable though.) I used to have them on cassette, but they were destroyed long ago. *sigh*

Sara – I missed the answer, but I’ll go and find it. I hope to be at the meeting, but it just depends on the husband’s schedule. 6:30 is such a hard time to make because of that!

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