
To Pop or Not to Pop … That is the Question.

More tweaking, tweaking, tweaking. I finally figured out how to make comment pop-ups in WordPress. But I’ve actually gotten used to going to a full page for the comments. So now I’m having another debate.

Comments in pop-up windows? Or just open a new window like the WP default?

At least the Cookie Crumb posts seem to be working right now – I just need to give them an icon that is better than a dot.

Sigh. I’m a Libra. I don’t do decisions well. What is your opinion?

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

17 replies on “To Pop or Not to Pop … That is the Question.”

Popup windows blow. Eliminate all popups. individual entry pages with comments are significantly better. Trackbacks should be treated as off-site comments and threaded into the comment conversation.

I like pop-ups. They just seem faster to me, not to mention you don’t have to wait on the entire page to reload.
Just My HUmble Opinion, which seems to be in the minority.. 😉

I like the popups so that when I’m done reading/posting comments, I don’t have to backup, reload the main page, and scroll back down to where I was. But yeah, I could always right-click and open in a new tab/window. 🙂

pop-ups get my vote..for the reasons stated above. such a pain to have to keep going back to the main page to read entries, comment etc. and yeah, you could right click and open in new window but after a while the number of windows opened gets a little insane.

Just to confuse things – I hate pop-ups. I just prefer keeping my whole “browsing experience” in one window. I hate it when sites go opening up multiple windows poping up here and there – and suddenly I have twenty browsers open ??? (Maybe offer the option? Have both? Perfect Libra answer!) LOL!

Popups are a problem because they are poorly implemented. The web designer can impose insane restrictions on my window (like window size restrictions regardless of my font size) and the browsers honor them. Don’t tell me what I can do with a window on my desktop.

It gets worse when you try to follow a link from a popup and get a 800×600 page inside a 200×100 popup with no scrollbars and no navigation tools. You can’t go back (no toolbar), you can’t read it, you can’t resize the window to make it fit, and you can’t even copy the address (no addressbar) into a real window. All you can do is go back to the page that gave you the popup, select it again, and right-click to open the link in a new window.

Until web designers stop being idiots, and until web browser authors stop making idiocy the default option, pop-ups will continue to be a bad idea.

Not that I have strong opinions, or anything.

Ha, it’s a tossup between pops and ‘under the post’. I wonder if the scripters will come up with a script similiar to the ‘open new window’ javascript? Make both sides happy LOL

Me, I like comments on the same page, followed by trackbacks, then waypaths if used.

Christine, how did you implement your side blog? I’m redoing my site in wordpress and would like to have a side blog this time, but I’m just not sure how to go about it and haven’t been able to find much information about it online.

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