As I drove Jason to school this morning, we passed the neighborhood Walgreen store. The billboard pointed out that they are your “Valentine’s Day Headquarters!” I asked Jason if he needs Valentine’s Day cards for school. His response? A very fast, “NO!” I had to laugh when he asked me why I thought he would need cards.
“So you can tell the ladies that you looooove them.”
Seems that I’m not as cool as I thought I was, because he thought I was nuts when I gave him that response. Unfortunately, I know that in a short time, he’ll be ready. The teenage years are right around the corner.
4 replies on “Too Cool For School…”
Except that when he does finally get into girls the very last thing he’ll do is give her a valentine. That would just be so uncool. He’s gotta act like a jerk and ignore her to win her love. 😉
PS– Love the Murad.
and with his initial of J, he can still be LL Cool J.
Wow, I don’t envy the whole high-school-years/love/lust/hormon/zits thing. And I’d dig it if a boy gave me a valentine. Not that that has ever happened or anything … but still. Being silly is cool — specially if it’s silly for being silly. I think you should now ask him every year if he needs Valentines.