
Trillian, the Next Day…

Almost 24 hours later, I still think Trillian ROCKS!!! I tried out iMici for a few minutes last night, but one problem – it doesn’t support multiple IDs for each IM software. I have many split personalities, you know… Ok, not really, not in the sense that some people talk about. I have an AIM and MSN Messenger ID for work and for fun. I don’t use the fun ones at work normally. And some of the work people don’t know my fun name, so if they want to IM me at night or on the weekends I want to be logged on under both IDs. Does that make sense? Anyways… I can be found on Yahoo under pixelwannabe, MSN under pixelwannabe@hotmail, and pixelwannabe on ICQ. (Gee, see a trend there?)

I am using Windows 2000 and had no problem with the install. Poke around in the configuration options, there is a lot of stuff in there. If you can’t find what you are looking for, the help is pretty good. If you still can’t find it – well, you know how to IM me! I’ll help you look too. I spent at least an hour last night setting different things up. There are minor drawbacks to me, like I like my buddy icon in AIM, but it’s worth the sacrifice to only have to run one client! Oh, and it was setting me to be “idle” almost instantly. Not sure why, but I think I somehow modified that, thank goodness. Anyways, I’ll help if I can.

If you IM me *please* tell me who you are if we have never IM’d before, it just helps me out. I hate getting “hey, how are you doing!?” when I have no idea who you are. BUT … if you see me online I don’t mind a bit if you IM me! Please do!!!

Does anyone have the code for the shortcuts for Yahoo and MSN that I can put on my site for people to easily send me IMs? I have the one for AIM and ICQ, just need the others. Thanks!

TRILLIAN ROCKS!!! (And you can use SKINS too!!!)

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.