Ugh. I have a problem. I just found out that I am a dude. Ack! 31 years of being female. What is a girl to do? Yes, I went and took Spark’s Gender Test and I ended up right in the middle. Well, I guess I have always said I am more logical and so forth, so maybe it does make sense. At least, as you can see from the graphic below, I ended up right in the middle.

I just love what they had to tell me though: “How do we know? Well, deep down, your gender affects everything about you, from your favorite number to your views on Canada. Many men who took the test think and act just like you, as you can see from the clusters above. Statistically speaking, you are a dude. As we said, this test gets smarter with every taker, and it’s almost never wrong. You can make it even better by telling us it was right for you.” This is where they gave me the chance to tell them that they were right or not – whether I am really male or female. Then it said on the next page: “You know, for every question, we track very carefully what each gender answers. This allows us to guess with the utmost accuracy what you are. And in the rare case where we guess incorrectly (like now), we have the opportunity to learn from nature’s mistake. You. People like you, who walk the scary line between man and woman, are *very* helpful in understanding exactly what it means to be human. Thanks, and good luck.” SCARY??? Gee, thanks, I don’t think I am SCARY. Whatever.
Dinner at The Grotto last night was sooooo good, and then we went to see “Molly and the Ringwalds”. Tom is friends with one of the guys in the band. I liked the Ale House, I am going to have to make a note to go back there someday. (Naomi, let me know when it’s time for a roadtrip, ok? LOL) The band was *fun*. Lately, fun seems to be a big priority for me. I enjoyed being able to just relax and have a good time – it seems like I haven’t been able to do that for so long. I like being able to *relax* and just be myself. That has always been one of my favorite things about Tom – I can’t remember a time where I have ever felt like I couldn’t just be me with him. I realized last night that I have known him (and the other members of YAC) since March/April 1996. It’s hard to believe it was that long ago!
Time to go visit Napster before they get shut down. Ugh. I am going to set the pc up to download and then go work over on the laptop to get the other sub-pages for this site set up. The joys of having 2 computers!
One reply on “Ugh. I have a problem.”
It’s all statistics. Nothing more. And a bunch of people who screw with it.