Amuse Me

Uhm, Thanks?

I just got a spam e-mail with the subject line of “You have been depressed lately!” Uhm, thanks? Do you really think telling me that – with an exclamation point no less – is going to excite me and make me want to buy the junk you’re selling? No. Bye-bye spam.

There is only one thing that would make surfing the WiFi at Starbucks better, and that is if there were footrests at these comfy squishy chairs. That would be a Good Thing(tm).

Speaking of Good Things(tm) – or rather not good things – Martha Stewart Living stock (or was it profits?) are down 86%. Not surprising, but what a change…

I didn’t buy anything at Starbucks because I’m using the WiFi. A guy just walked in with a burger and a coke. Maybe it’s just me, but isn’t that odd? Would you bring outside food here and not buy anything here to go with it? Maybe he works here though and is on his lunch break. Damn, that burger smells good.

Reminds me … I’m kicking the Weight Watchers thing in to high gear again. Points, points and more points. (Or no points, however you want to look at it.) I’m still going to the gym too, but need to do both. I know what I need to do, I have my inspiration people out there, now I just have to do it.

Mmmm… WiFi is a good thing.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

17 replies on “Uhm, Thanks?”

Count me in with the WW bloggers signing in here! I started 3 weeks ago, and I’m down 6 lbs.!

I have an awesome 0-points soup recipe to share that I got from one of my buddies, if you all want it. It’s my salvation. 🙂

not sure about the whole WW thing as i love food too much… but i do need to watch what i eat… i eat like once a day and i know that’s bad… you are supposed to eat at leat 6 small portions a day… it works with your metabolism better… or something like that. i’m going to kick my daily regime into high gear when i get my pilates dvds in the mail. i’m so excited for it!

btw – do the Starbucks in Houston have
WiFi, now? i went into one in Austin and they had WiFi… i think you’re at the one in the Shoppes, right?

Me too! I am debating about renewing my WW account. I really, REALLY need to get with it. Sometimes I just look in the mirror and think, “What on earth happened to me?!”

Christine do you have a palm PDA? I have a WW points calculator for my palm that is simply awesome and it’s waaay better than dragging the slide rules around.

Count me in on WW too. I’ve lost a lot of weight in the past (and then had babies to put it back on). Anyway, once school starts (next week), I’m hitting the meetings again full force. I need the extra motivation of the weigh-in.

John, I’m interested in your Palm program. I always lose my slide thingy. Or never have it when I need it.

Good luck, Christine! Maybe I’ll even see you at a meeting or two (depending where you go).

Well I get about eight messages a day telling me that my penis is too small and that I can’t satisfy my woman. Now how’s that for depressing spam. 🙂

My wife and her best friend are on WW too. She’s just reached that point where she can earn points for exercising.

Well I get about eight messages a day telling me that my penis is too small and that I can’t satisfy my woman. Now how’s that for depressing spam. 🙂

My wife and her best friend are on WW too. She’s just reached that point where she can earn points for exercising.

My penis is too small, too. My boobs, as well. I guess they must think I am a hermaphrodite.

Also, I need Viagra. And did you know that you can “earn” a college degree online, without taking a single class?

Ah, the joys of spam!

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