Geek Love


My CSS may be wrong, but at least my RSS feed is valid. That counts for something, doesn’t it?

Now it’s time for me to shamelessly beg again that EVERYONE running MT takes the 5 minutes needed to head on over to Dive Into Mark, grab the RSS 2.0 template for Movable Type (I chose to “Save Target As” to grab it yesterday) and replace the default index.xml template. If you have deleted your index.xml template all together, I beg you to add one back and link to it on your index page.

Later this weekend I’ll be writing a “what is RSS and why do I love it?” post for ScriptyGoddess, and I’ll post a link to it here because I know I’ve got at least a few people curious. But for now – get the template and update it! Then tell me where you’ve put it on your site so I can add you!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

21 replies on “Validation…”

OOh! YAY! 😀 I am so RSS stupid. I sorta played with a RSS feeder once, but it only showed a few words of the blogs I wanted to read… so I ended up having to go there anyway to figure out what they were saying… grrr.. (The only thing I wonder is if there’s a way to do the rss feed with the full posts with the exception of my “restricted” category posts… probably could do that using the MTSQL plugin)

Don’t mind me, I’ve had a few glasses of wine and just decided to blabber in your comments section. Weee… Woo hoo!! LOL!

Ok, ok, it’s done. I tried the MTSQL thingy so restricted posts wouldn’t show up – but there’s just no way… so I’ll do as you, and now put restricted posts in the “extended” part…Probably safer that way anyway.

My feedbag 😉 is here

Hrm, I was under the impression that recent versions of MovableType had a correctly formatted RSS template (ala Dive Into Mark’s recommendations) … do I remember this wrong?

It might – but for people like me that just slap the upgrade up there – if they have upgraded (I haven’t!) – they might still be using the old RSS feed that was in there – which is excerpts only. So they have to make the effort to replace the index.xml file and get the new one.

New RSS Feed
Thanks to Christine it’s working – haha – although she didn’t actually do anything. I think I copied it more betterer this time. I’m trying out Syndirella here at home. The program, it seems to work goodum. Why for you…

My RSS feeds
I decided to post my RSS feeds (1.0, 2.0 and comments 1.0) since there’s been a lot of discussion about them. I’m using the mt-entrybodymore plugin because I was having problems getting my RSS to validate. I use mt-xmlencode-block in…

My RSS feeds
I decided to post my RSS feeds (1.0, 2.0 and comments 1.0) since there’s been a lot of discussion about them. I’m using the mt-entrybodymore plugin because I was having problems getting my RSS to validate. I use mt-xmlencode-block in…

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