Kymberlie doesn’t cook, but thank goodness her boyfriend Steven does. So when he gave her his Christmas list, three of the items he asked for were kitchen related – he wanted a olive oil sprayer (like an aerosal can for olive oil), a pizza roller thingie that you use to make holes in the pizza crust to make thin crust pizza, and a hamburger press. Kymberlie, being the wise shopper she is, headed over to the local Williams-Sonoma store. She already knew they had the oil sprayer. When she got there, she asked the sales clerk guy who offered to help her if they had a hamburger press. She received a lovely, curt, “We don’t sell THOSE here.” Ok, I know it’s not “gourmet” necessarily to eat hamburgers. But do you have to be snitty and rude about it?
Today I went to the Discovery Store to get my Secret Santa gift for our exchange work. They offer a frequent shopper type of program, where you get points for buying things there. I love programs like that, I am all about the free stuff. But, even though Kymberlie reminded me seconds earlier, the sales clerk didn’t ask me if I wanted to sign up or even if I had a card. So after she ran my credit card I realized we didn’t sign me up. And I have other things I want to go back and get for Jason. So I ask her if she can set me up. “You have to buy something.” Yeah, like the $25 I just spent? *sigh* Ok, if I call in and sign up through the 800 number, can they then credit this purchase to my new card? “I don’t know.” Finally I said (just to really push her over the edge, I was feeling like a little minx…) “Can you void my transaction and ring it up again so I make sure to get credit for it?” She asks the manager as he is walking by and he huffed! I am the daughter of a retail store manager. I have been through 32 retail Christmas seasons. I even worked retail one year at Christmas time. I know what it’s like, but to huff at me? Uh, the last store at the mall like the Discovery Store closed down. Not enough sales. And with that sort of attitude, it will happen again! I wasn’t asking for much. Fix your mistake. I am sorry you are busy. I know it’s the holidays. But dont’ take your stress out on me. I finally said, “Never mind, what was I thinking? A customer asking a question? Hmmm. I don’t know what I was thinking” and headed out the store. At least I found something I think my Secret Santa recipient here at the office will like!
One reply on “We Don’t Sell THOSE Here…”
I was sort of hoping that with the recesssion here, that stores would be a little more interested in being nice to customers. Obviously they’re all still in the 90’s we don’t care mind-set… that’ll change eventually… I hope.