First I visited the Levi’s site, hoping to find the singing belly buttons. No dice. They have a commercial section, but that one’s not there. Someone had linked to it – so I guess it was there but now it’s gone. On the other hand, PETA was kind enough to put the “Bad Cats” ad on! Whoo hoo! And their Singing Cows telling you to Steer Clear of Leather are online too! Sorry, I don’t mind leather items. And I like a good steak. But the commercial is great!
4 replies on “Missing Commercials…”
I’ll miss you!
those singing belly buttons are creeeeepy!
Thanks for thinking of me sweetie. I did a little bit of an update. Not much.
Tommy hates that singing belly button commercial. 🙂 He says they scare him. ha ha.
that is one of my favorite commercials!