Geek Love

We Want YOU!

As some of you may have already seen, changes are under way over at ScriptyGoddess. I think I scared Jennifer with my threat of a hostile takeover of the site, so she isn’t taking down the site as she originally considered. But, in order to keep the site alive and going, we need YOU. Yes, that would be you. Right there, in that chair. YOU.

Where do you come in? Have you figured out a way to do something with your site that you didn’t think could be done? Have you written a cool snippet of PHP, ASP, Javascript or whatever that you are willing to share? Come up with a cool way to do something in pMachine or B2? Whatever the case may be, we’re open to hearing about it. You submit it, we review it, we’ll post it on the site with a by-line crediting you. Also, if I spot something on a site that I think is neat-o keen, I just might e-mail you and ask you if you’re willing to share how you did it or if I can share your post on the site (giving you credit, of course).

Perfect example of why we’re doing this – I spotted a cool grid of thumbnails on a site, and I commented to Ste that I sure wish I knew how to do it. He pointed out to me that there was a MT Plugin that would make it happen for me. Wow! I had no idea! Here I thought it was some code-fu magic. So once I test it out, set it up, get it working, I’ll write up how I did it and share it on ScriptyGoddess. YOU have the power to do this too. If you’ve ever felt like ScriptyGoddess has given back to you, now it is your turn to give back to ScriptyGoddess. Please bring us your offerings…

Please Note: ScriptyGoddess is NOT just for MT users. We are 10,000% open to tips on using any other blog software out there. Your tip for how to do something in pMachine just might inspire someone else to do something in another blog software, and the knowledge will spread and we will all grow.

In the end, it’s all about sharing the love, isn’t it? So help save ScriptyGoddess! Keep it alive! Share the love!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

10 replies on “We Want YOU!”

well, i have two hacks for pmachine i can send up. one for dynamic smilies and one for a “most comments” list. i didn’t want to support them myself. should i use the request email address to send them to?

I wish I could help, but Scripty Goddess is actually my survival kit. However, I have bookmarked a few little things that can be useful for other people and as soon as I have all my things re-organized in the computer, I’ll start sharing 🙂

Thank you for posting this Christine! I left a comment on the site and I will send what I can when everything is in place over there. 🙂

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