Try not to laugh. I bought “The Matrix” on DVD when I got my DVD player in November, 2000. I’ve owned it for almost two and a half years. Yet I have never watched the movie. That is, until tonight. Yes, I am finally watching it after all this time.
I knew when I saw the previews for “The Matrix” that I would like it. I loved the concept behind it – there really is no reason why I’ve never actually seen it.
We warmed up with “X-Men” first, which was really good. Now I am ready to go see “X-Men 2” tomorrow, and in two weeks I can see “The Matrix Reloaded”. Yeah, the rest of you have been waiting years for it – I justs have to wait two weeks. Pretty smart, huh?
“Remember, all I’m offering is the truth. Nothing more.”
21 replies on “Welcome to the Real World…”
blasphemy! blas-pheee-meeee!
the Matrix is incredible, and you’ve lived this long without it? Christine, Christine…*clucks tongue*
“hear that, Mr. Anderson? that is the sound of inevitability.”
A few weeks after “Reloaded” debuts, it will be released in IMAX theaters around the country. Free your mind? More like blow your mind.
P.S. Just in case you’ve been holding off watching the first three “Godfather” films on DVD the same way you did with “The Matrix”, it’s a pretty safe bet there isn’t going to be a fourth installment. You can go ahead and watch them now.
No, no, I’ve held off on watching the Godfather films because the first one really wasn’t that good in my opinion (I know, I know) and so no point in watching the other two.
Now, “The Freshman” with Matthew Broderick? That is awesome!
I’m going to have to watch the rest of “The Matrix” tomorrow – they talk so slowly and quietly, I keep falling asleep! Not a movie for me to watch when I’m tired – I keep having to rewind it. Tomorrow. Morning. Wide awake. Promise. I must lift the scourge of shame for not having seen it ever before.
Wow, what self control. To hold out for so many years and never see “The Matrix”. I scored some Sneak Preview tickets for X-men 2 for Thurdsay and right after the movie ended. I hauled ass to Studio 30 and caught the 12:01am showing. That’s called having NO SELF CONTROL. What an awsome movie, you will so enjoy it tommorrow. I highly recomend it.
Loving your place here. The Mike post after this one is great and who can resist a pink cookie!
Oh, I love the way you posted the pictures here in the comments. Awesome.
I also sat down to watch The Matrix for the very first time last night. My son has been really on my case to watch it. Then he went out and I fell asleep. So I still haven’t seen it all the way through!
I got the DVD for xmas a few years ago. It’s a great flick.
I guess I can’t relate.
Hehe, wow, that’s a long time to own a movie without seeing it! Of course, my mom still has movies from decades ago still in their original cellophane wrapping. Me, I like to watch them multiple times in the same week that I get them. 😉
I have owned The Matrix forever. It’s one of my favourite movies. Any time there’s nothing on and we want to see a movie it’s that one (or else Pulp Fiction).
I’m looking forward to the new one coming out in a few days. I don’t know if they can top it or even come up with something half as good (but I’ll test it for you 🙂
Saw X-Men 2 last night and it was so much better than the first one.
i get to go see a pre-opening viewing of the new Matrix movie on wednesday morning!
i WILL see the matrix reloaded in a couple of weeks…and i cannot WAIT!
but, i just happen to think that keanu is HOT… 😉
No, no, I’ve held off on watching the Godfather films because the first one really wasn’t that good in my opinion (I know, I know) and so no point in watching the other two.
<head explodes>
(can you wink without a head?)
Oops. I lost the “head explodes” part of my last comment. (perhaps it was implied)
It’s much more surreal this way though. 🙂
Hey, I was young when I watched it! Who knows, maybe now as an older and wiser adult (is anyone buying this?) I’ll appreciate it more.
I fixed your head explosion – it wasn’t an “allowed” tag, so MT ignored it to protect my site.
And no, you can’t wink if you don’t have a head. Unless your head instantly regenerates like the guy in Men in Black … then you could wink a few seconds after your head exploded. However, I don’t think you have that ability, do you?
*G* you’re SUCH a Tease! LOL (I can’t wait till Christmas! bet THAN they’ll have All 3 of the Matrix’s out in DVD!!!) /witchy keeping fingers crossed, stirring the caldron, putting in the herbs…. out out out da*n movies, for the public consumption/
the matrix kicks ass! i love it, the special effects our outstanding, amazing even. i no its a trilogy but there just has to be a 4th movie, there just has to be.