
We’re Having a Heat Wave!

It was a high of 88 degrees here in Paris yesterday. My travel tip for anyone that might visit Paris? Do not walk from the Arc de Triomphe to the Place de la Concorde – all the way down the Champs-Elysees – on a hot summer day. Part of the way is fine, but don’t walk the whole way. If you do have to walk the whole way, make a lot of stops, and bring cold water.

One of the stops you should make? In the Sephora store that far surpasses all other Sephoras. Oh my God. That place is HUGE. I had no idea that Sephora was a global company, or that they had so many stores in Paris.

Today isn’t going to be quite as hot as yesterday, although it will still be warm. Perfect for sitting at cafes and enjoying the sites. I started the day off by taking a photo with Jean-Michel at 9:09, and Mike joined us for others in front of the Pantheon. Now it is time to see the sites before it gets too hot!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

13 replies on “We’re Having a Heat Wave!”

I was in Paris over Christmas with my girlfriend (I am Aussie and she is French). If I can add a caveat to your warning about the long walk from Concorde to Triomphe it is this – don’t do it when it is freezing either! No gloves and wind = a very long walk!!

Congrats on the wedding from someone you’ve never met but who loves Paris,

Adelaide, Australia

I’ve done that walk too but I think farther – from l’Arc de Triomphe to the Louvre, through Place de la Concorde. It was in late June in the heat too. But I made lots of stops along the way and took my time. That was the way to do it! 😀

It sounds wonderful there! It must be amazing to be there during the anniversary of D-Day and seeing all the old soldiers and patriotism. Did you see any of that? My friend was just there and said it was amazing and with so much security since our President was visiting as well.

Keep having a great time! Enjoy!

Oooooooh, we did that walk. In the opposite direction, TOWARDS the Arc. “It’s looks so close! Let’s just walk.” (hint: no, it’s just really really big.) I wonder how many people make that mistake?

Hi there. Its great to read about your honeymoon in London and Paris. I’m envious!

Walking in Paris is much better in the fall. It was good exercise for me too! BTW, I think Sephora is based in France. They had a lot more stores in 1999 than the U.S. and is owned by LVMH.

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