I keep looking, I keep waiting … they said 10pm EST … OH LOOK! The Bloggie winners have been announced! Off to see who won!
Well, I am happy to see some of the winners and … others … well, I voted for someone different. Either way, I am sad to see that Robyn, Dawn, The Mighty Geek and Hoopty didn’t win. I was very happy to see that MovableType did win, and I can honestly say that out of the 3 blogging systems I have used I will be sticking with this one. I have no complaints at all about it.
A *big* congratulations to BluishOrange who is also “from Houston, Texas, where they poison the water and the cockroaches eat small children” She won the “Best Designed Weblog” category, which I chose last night to sponsor with a prize. I have read her off and on over the past year (no reason for the “off” time other then there are a lot of blogs to read!) and have always enjoyed it. It’s nice to see a “hometown girl” win it. Congratulations, Alison!
4 replies on “Where, Oh Where are the Bloggie Awards…”
Did you see my “I was Crushered by Wesley” t-shirt idea? 😉
Congratz to all that were nominated. your pages are indeed worthy of an award! Still confused as to why Crusher got so many awards though [one or two I can agree with]. Maybe it’s just me, but I thought there was some more original content out there.
I feel like a winner just to be thought of one by you. *smooooch* Add to that the headrush of just being nominated. Dang, I know who my “best-kept secrets’ are….in fact, I’m writing to one right now….
Oh Hoopty-Schmoopie! You will *always* be a winner to me!