First my day started off with the awesome t-shirt from Robyn. Then she sent me an e-mail later on to let me know that MovableType 1.3 had been released. Immediately after that was an e-mail from the wonderful coding fool, Jay, announcing that he will be releasing the beta version of MT-Search 1.3 tonight for us to test. (Jay’s not really a fool. He uses the name fooljay on all the boards though for some reason. Hmmm…) Knowing that I am under the gun with lots to do at work, after I verified that MT-Search 1.3 would work just fine with MT 1.3 (silly question, but I had to ask), Robyn hooked me up AGAIN by setting up MT 1.3 for us! AND… I have a package waiting at the post office from Amazon, meaning I have a gift from someone … so my day, inspite of all the work I have to get done, TOTALLY ROCKS! Now if I can just find the time to write those e-mails that I still owe someone (Hi Mark!) my day will be complete. Oh, that and if I manage to write two more small proposals and revise a third one before I go home. I better get busy!
Thank you Robyn! Thank you Jay!
4 replies on “Who Could Ask for More?”
Don’t forget your lottery ticket on the way home — sounds like this is your day! 🙂 Glad I could help!
Tell me if this is back to your e-mail addy in the “From” field! 🙂
All tweaked — let me know if it’s a-ok!