Will the real Jay Allen please stand up? Yeah, because when you go to do a search over at Google for “Jay Allen” you get search results for some imposter whose site is horrible! So I am linking again today to Jay Allen, hoping that just maybe Google will pick up on it and help him out. Maybe if he changed the name of his site to Fooljay’s Openwire by Jay Allen that would help too? Speaking of Jay, he is testing a new tweak for MT that would allow you to search for the 10 most recent comments – check it out!
2 replies on “Will the Real…”
If he really wants hits from google – all he’d have to do is throw these words throughout a posting (doesn’t neccessarily have to relate to anything): free, sex, porn, foot fetish… then again, maybe he doesn’t want THAT type of traffic 😉
Ideed, I don’t. Actually, I deny robot spidering on my site for reasons that you would understand Jenn. But this Jay Allen thing bugs me. I mean, if I block robots and still show up on th first page, I might as well be first! 🙂