WordPress wp-layout.css Explained – maybe if I read this over and over, my eyes won’t bleed…
Handy to use for using with WP Styles and the CSS Style Switcher.
WordPress wp-layout.css Explained – maybe if I read this over and over, my eyes won’t bleed…
Handy to use for using with WP Styles and the CSS Style Switcher.
7 replies on “WordPress wp-layout.css Explained…”
Heh. It’s not that hard, once you look at it. You could totally get it and not have bleeding eyes. 😉
Good reference document, though, regardless.
I’ve tried to look at it though! I swear! I always end up with a migraine from it, but I have tried … and tried … and tried!
I feel ya sista. I feel ya.
i don’t know how far i would trust the css expertise of someone who can’t make a site look ok in firefox…
Hmmmm… do you mean their site or mine? Because while their site is sort of bland, it still looks ok in Firefox for me. As does mine. Hmmm…
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