Commmerative $2001 George Bush bills.
Wrong. Very wrong. I think I am going to be sick. [via Solonor, but I won’t hold it against him.]
Commmerative $2001 George Bush bills.
Wrong. Very wrong. I think I am going to be sick. [via Solonor, but I won’t hold it against him.]
5 replies on “Wrong.”
Okay, now I can *truly* appreciate why that widow wanted to copyright the phrase “Let’s Roll” – Terrible!
Eeeeewwww….I hate ANYONE who tries to make $$$ off 9/11. but this is among the worst.
For the record…I did NOT vote for Duhbya, was NOT impressed with him even right after 9/11, and I pray he walks in his daddy’s footsteps…as a one-term president!
I agree. This is wrong. Pathetic people out there.
Phew, at first I thought you were actually serious til I clicked on the link. I’m just glad it’s not real money …
silly americans. what will y’all think of next? 😉