William Shatner “Rocket Man”. I can’t even begin to describe the depth of hilarious badness this reaches. (Be careful, it is on the evil YouTube, and you can get sucked in for some time over there. You know, when you’re not playing Bejeweled.)
6 replies on “WTF Friday Moment…”
Ya, know, every time I sneak over here, you are distributing crack. What’s next, feel-o-vision where you blog yarn and we can feel the softness? Such evil. Hee!
BTW, I’m going to Kid ‘N’ Ewe. Be afraid. 🙂
Should I point out that I have several Wm. Shatner AND Leonard Nimoy songs on mp3?
Hey! The Shat can do no wrong. *L*
… And yet it is really really really funny. *snicker*
Have you seen the Family Guy episode when Stewie did a parody of this? Too damn funny. *L*
Because I’m sick… here’s the Stewie version.
You’re welcome. 😛
Oh, this William Shatner business is a Hubby favorite. I gave him “Lounge Against the Machine” for some holiday as a joke and it’s about as ridiculous as Shatner singing Rocket Man.
And because you said YouTube, I feel the need to share this to a collection of YouTube videos for the upcoming Borat movie.
The link: http://www.aintitcool.com/node/30483