
Yarn Fest!

It’s Wednesday, and know what Wednesday is? It is KNIT DAY! Whoo hoo! My friend Katy (who reads all of the knit blogs but doesn’t have one of her own … yet …) picked me up this morning and we finally found Yarns 2 Ewe! We managed to drive right past it the first time, as the sign is gray with blue lettering and right under the awning – we saw the Vietnamese restaurant right next door, but missed the sign for the yarn shop. A call to Mike so he could look it up online give us the street number, and we managed to make it there. It was ok to be lost though – I had never been to that part of the Heights, which was gorgeous, and we got to see Harolds in the Heights! (Yeah, that means nothing to anyone else. Mike didn’t know what we were talking about either. Katy & I were excited to see it though!)

Yarns 2 Ewe was packed full of fabulous yarns – some which we had seen before, and some that were completely new to us. We both loved the Rowan DK cotton that we saw. They said it was new; I believe they just put it out yesterday. They also had a ton of sock yarn, but I resisted the urge to buy any more. I need to knit my first pair of socks before I build up a stash! We did find some Koigu Painter’s Palette Premium Merino wool that we both liked. Katy had made “Caryl’s Kerchief” (from FoxyKnits) out of it before, so we picked some up. It is sooooo soft.

After we massaged all of the yarn at Yarns 2 Ewe, we headed back to the north side of town for the Sit & Knit at Twisted Yarns in Spring. I love that shop. Have I mentioned that before? I showed Lynn Anne (the lady that taught my sock class) that I had mastered the Norwegian Purl (opens a PDF; more info at Knitting Geek and Spelling Tuesday). I started on the I-cord for the Booga Bag and got a foot or two done while I was there. I also picked out yarn for the Clapotis, because, after all, Je suis belle et รงa ne demande aucun effort. Therefore I need a beautiful scarf/shawl.

After we picked Jason up from school, we went over to Katy’s house to check out some of her finished projects and to browse through pattern books. *sigh* Oh, the fabulous things you can make. Then she took us home and Jason and I zoomed over to the doctor’s office to pick up our new glasses. Now I have sassy glasses (picture to come) and I’m ready to knit!

The Booga Bag body only has about 7 rows left now; I’ll finish it as soon as I have the I-cord ready. If you want to check out my progress, I took a picture this morning. Almost done!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

6 replies on “Yarn Fest!”

thank you thank you for posting links to the Norwegian Purl again. I’d been meaning to go back and look at it but kept forgetting. I’m Thrilled!!! Hate hate hate bringing the yarn to the front of the work (especially in a rib) and this way I don’t have to. woohooo!!! yay for NP!

I’m definitely going to have to give the Norwegian Purl a try! Thanks for the link.

Glad you found Yarns2Ewe – I love that shop. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending how you look at it, it is walking distance from my house…

You know – I keep reading all about your knitting adventures – and despite my vow to never knit again after the “knitting incident” LOL! You’re kind of making me rethink that. If I do see you this summer after we move, I think I’m going to make you give me a few quick lessons to refresh my memory. ๐Ÿ™‚ I mean after all, I’ll actually have a LITTLE bit of time on my hands – for the whole MONTH when Rachel goes to school, and before the baby is born. ๐Ÿ™‚ I could probably re-knit my dream sweater again in that time!! (Only this time I SWEAR I won’t put it in the washing machine!!!!!) LOL!

Do you have a gallery of things you’ve knitted, or are you planning?

I already knew the basic stitches, but could never get my spacing down. So I see the neatest scarf pattern that would have cost a fortune at the store, and the article said it was super simple even for beginners.

So I got through a few rows, my spacing fairly even, and put it up for the night. Next morning I find my entire living room surrounded in yarn! It was everywhere. I had to trash all the yarn since it was so tangled.

So it’s not just cats that think of yarn balls as toys, my puppy at the time had a great time LOL


What made me giddy and happy , other than the yarn, was seeing the Wind Water Gallery – only been hearing ads for it for as long as I’ve lived here (*sniff sniff* RIP, KRTS *sniff sniff*) and to finally see it!!

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