
The Price Is Right!

I completely forgot that The Price Is Right is still on TV. Bob Barker is now in his 34th season – he has been doing the show almost as long as I’ve been alive. Still using the retro ’70s long stick microphone after all these years.

You could win this … a new car!

Now I want to go to California so I can see the show in person!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

11 replies on “The Price Is Right!”

I know people who’ve gotten to “Come on Down”, and there were often groups from my University who got someone on–some people even won!

I used to watch that show ALL THE TIME–I got really good at knowing the prices of those little items.

One of my coworkers went last week to a taping. It’s a huge thing to get in, because they always give away more tickets than there are spaces. (They got there at 4:30AM to make sure they’d get seated.) He said it was a blast. I live so close to all these things, but ugh. Getting up at 3:00 to be somewhere at 4:30? I don’t think I could. (Well, I HAVE done it, for the Shoe Frenzy–but, that’s different! It’s for charity!! hee.)

I used to watch The Price is Right when I was a kid, and I thought Bob Barker was sooooo handsome. And? When I was eighteen I almost got to go on the show during a youth group trip to Cali, but one of the other kids wasn’t eighteen (you have to be eighteen to be on the show), so none of us got to go. Booo!

independent filmmakers seek former price is right
contestants for in-progress, feature-length
documentary. please pass my email on to all family,
friends, or colleagues who have been on the price is
right. cappuccino222 at

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