
Yeah, My Life is SOOOOO Exciting!

What a day. A much needed day. I slept until noon because Jason spent the night at my parent’s house and they worked on his Aztec village today. Once I rolled out of bed I did all sorts of housework things. Oh what fun! Yes, I cleaned counters, I dusted, I threw stuff away. I cleaned out the fish tank in Jason’s room – and found one of our fish! We thought it had died, but it was hiding inside the shipwreck statue! I haven’t seen it in at least 2 weeks. I have no idea how it survived in there! Then I finally ate lunch and went over to my parent’s house to help with the Aztec village. And now I am home again. Watching Law & Order SVU from last night. I Tivo’d 3 episodes of 90210 earlier today, along with the movie “Return to Me”. I think after I watch SVU I will watch “Clerks” and maybe “Office Space”. I am Tivo’ing “Gladiator” right now, but I may stop it and record Saturday Night Live instead.

Speaking of Tivo, I have been complaining because I received an e-mail this spring from them asking me to complete a survey, and as my reward I would receive a Tivo plush toy. I never got the toy … I thought. Then I was cleaning out a box today of things I packed up when I left the FC. There was an unopened envelope in there – it said it was from some sort of lab – I thought it was some vitamin samples I had ordered online. Figured 5 months later, it was about time I opened the package – and there was my Tivo toy! w00t! I was so excited! Now I just want the cool window cling like Kymberlie got. Tivo ROCKS! I love that you can record one show while watching something you recorded previously – how is that for cool?

Oh! I finally got the wireless gateway to go with my wireless card! I am not sure if I am going to set that up tonight or tomorrow. Probably tomorrow, I think I just want to chill for now. FedEx tried to leave it on Thursday, but it was marked “signature required” and the gals at the apartment office were gone. So I called Thursday night & told FedEx they didn’t have to have a signature, so they left it at my door on Friday. Yes, $250 package, just sitting at the door… good thing it was still here when I got home! I can’t wait to set it up! Then I can surf from the laptop anywhere within a 300+ foot radius of the gateway!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

2 replies on “Yeah, My Life is SOOOOO Exciting!”

BTW on 90210, Dylans Dad was blown up. I always thought, no body = not dead. I kepy thinking his Dad would be back, but years went by and no show, then I quit watching. I swear I saw his Dad on a later ep but didnt see but a few mins. Did he return? How?

I can’t believe you had a Tivo and gave it up and sold it. I swear it is worth every nickel of the $10 a month. Seriously. Love the tivo. That reminds me, I need to look on eBay to see if I can get another one – I want one for my bedroom when I move the TV in there. Stop laughing.

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