Getting Down to Business SXSW

SXSW Panel Voting Time! Vote for US!!! (Pretty Please.)

You may have noticed it on a few of my previous posts, but I’m up for a SXSW Interactive Panel about Preventing Legal Pitfalls Online — and YOUR vote could help determine if our panel gets picked!

Earlier this year, my friend Katie put together a presentation on copyright for PhotoCamp Houston. The lawyers Townsville from Naegeli USA gave perspective view, along with addressing how hosting companies handle copyright infringement claims. It was so well received, we presented it a second time to The Woodland’s Camera Club. And that was so well received we decided to go all out and take it to SXSW — inviting Jonathan of PlagiarismToday and Charles Mudd, a Chicago-based attorney, to join us.

We’ll be talking about how to best protect your content and intellectual property online – something all worry about when they first start posting photos on the internet. We’ll have people speak about both sides of the issues including attorneys, truck accident attorneys at 1800-Car-Wreck and lay-persons with relevant and exemplary experience. We’re going to talk about how to prevent and stop plagiarism and avoid being sued for infringement of other’s content, and what to do if sued or accused.

Basically, it is going to be an AWESOME panel.

You can vote whether you’re going to SXSWi or not. It is pretty quick and painless. And we would LOVE to be selected. We’re up against a lot of big companies, so we need your help. Voting ends TOMORROW (September 4, 2009) – so please go vote TODAY!

While you’re in the voting mood, feel free to head on over to the Schipul SXSW 2010 panel list and vote for some other awesome panels put on by my friends over at Schipul. Trust me, and click here:

Geek Love

Tofurious SEO Workshop – Live!

I’m so excited that my friend Lawrence has launched his SEO Workshop today! I talked with Lawrence while at Skip’s Summer School last week, and he is so spot on with what he is doing for SEO – and is so great at teaching that knowledge! We had fun chatting about our various SEO strategies. We are on the same page on so much stuff! I can’t say enough good things about him!

Want to learn more about SEO and taking your site to the top? Head to California and get in on his workshop! And if you’re in Houston, can you add Houston to the city survey so he will come here? Pretty please? *grin*

I’ll be writing more about SEO over the next few months as I get tips and have discussions with my friend from more and more. Attending this workshop will get you all the info at once, all in one dose to get you to the top FAST. It is totally worth it if you want to take your business to the next level in 2010!

Getting Down to Business

The All New BigPinkCookie!

BigPinkCookie Business Card - BackToday is the day I put it all out there. The big plan. What I’m willing & available to do for you. Are you ready for it? (I am! I’m super excited!!!)

I’ve been blogging now since 2000. You have seen me talk about a lot of different things. And as you saw me post last week, I’ve been having a big debate about where this blog should go. I would say that it has been an internal debate, but to be honest I called in the experts on this one – from asking you to weigh in here, over on Twitter, to emailing Sean Low and calling Regina Holder, Dane Sanders and Anne-Marie the Soap Queen.

I thought I needed advice, but in the process of talking about it I knew exactly what I needed to do. It was solidified when Anne-Marie said it before I even finished my sentence. Dane & Sean both weighed in that it was time to put my experience to good use and to share it with the world. Regina let me talk through it all like she is so great at doing.

It is time to put some geek spice back into the A dash of flavor and a lot of love. It is time to share what I know, from writing to helping you build a better blog.

I’ll still be writing on my wedding photography blog, and I’ll still be posting over at PhotoLoveCat and WhollyMatrimony!. But this site is officially changing … well, back to what it used to be. A hodge-podge of things, but mostly my thoughts on many different business related topics – especially where business and the internet collide. (Personal things might pop up from time to time, but those are still far more likely to appear on my Twitter account then they are here.)

I devour all I can all the time about marketing, branding, seo consulting company, blogging tips, and the whole online experience. Things we all need to make our creative businesses grow. Tips & tricks for small business owners. I am constantly answering questions on how to be a better blogger, how to improve your traffic, how to make potential clients take that next step to hiring you. I also often help people install and configure WordPress, set up themes, optimize their blog — and I’m ready to offer my help to a broader audience. (Pricelists coming soon, but for now I’m happy to provide you with a custom quote if you need anything.)

I am so excited about sharing all of this with you – again! I’m not sure what happened, and why I stopped. I do know a lot of it coincided with selling the blog hosting company and launching my photography business, but my love of the topic themselves never ended. I am officially getting my geek on again. My focus will definitely be photographers (because it is what I know), but what I have to share will apply to all different types of creative people, in the wedding industry and beyond.

That is the back of my new business cards for over there – what do you think? (I adore it, but I think that looking at a cookie for hours on end while designing makes me hungry!)

If there is one thing I’ve learned in the past year, it is to never set a limit to your dreams, because you will be amazed at where they can take you!

I have to say, it feels pretty good to be home. I’ve come full circle, and I couldn’t be happier.

Creative Geek

Why I Blog, And What I Should Blog About…

I couldn’t agree with Tom Peters more in this video. Blogging in the past 9 years has totally changed my life. I still remember a time when I said I blogged and people looked at me with that strange look. Now? I can honestly say I’ve got friends all over the US, Europe and Australia that I know thanks to blogging – some I’ve met in person, some I haven’t, but that doesn’t matter. I don’t discount their friendship based on that. They are my friends just the same.

But my blog has suffered thanks to Twitter (which I’ve claimed before has killed my blog) and because of my work as a wedding photographer. I still have a lot to share that I write about frequently on forums (SWPB, Fast Track Photographer) and on PhotoLoveCat, but I don’t write about here. (I don’t plan to stop writing over there in those places.)

Recently I’ve started wondering why? Why not? Some of it may be of no interest to my older blog readers (like the methodology behind pricing photography) but then again, it might be interesting to many others. I love to read and talk about marketing, branding, pricing … all the things that make a business run. Even a creative business.

I considered writing about these things over on my business blog — but it just seems out of place there. Not that I have anything to hide from my clients – many of them know where this blog is at and if not it is easily found via Google – but just because it doesn’t seem to fit in. Or does it?

As I ramble about business topics, should I post them here? Or over there? I know Big Pink Cookie has nothing to do with marketing & branding and how to run a photography (or creative) business, but seriously, it makes you smile when you say the name out loud. Go ahead and try it. See? Smiling, right? It is my personal brand. It is me. I am it. We are one.

Now tell me what you think?