
Which Way to New York City?

If I disappear it’s because I ran away. I want to join Kathy to go to Times Square for New Year’s Eve. Hmmm… I have $10 (after returning a Christmas gift) and the Honda – think that would be enough for gas from Houston to New York City? Think I could get there by New Year’s Eve if I left now? Yeah, probably not. But a girl can dream… Anyone want to buy me a plane ticket? Come on, lets all go. Bloggerfest in NYC. I wonder if Kathy has enough room on her floor for all of us to crash there. Well, I get first dibs because she said I could come there first!


It Was Soooo Sweet…

We finally saw Monsters, Inc. earlier, and I have to say it was quite wonderful. A good story line, lots of laughs, a few tears. And it has the highest rating I have ever seen on Rotten Tomatoes with a 94% – Memento was a 93% and Amelie (which I want to see) is a 90%. Those are the three highest scores I have found there. This one (Monsters, Inc.) is definitely going on my DVD Wishlist!


We Got You a New CD Player…

I just sit here an laugh now when the latest Lexus commercial comes on. The holiday one with the big bows on the car? Yeah, the one where the parents tell their daughter who is all of 16 that “We got you a new CD player…” and hand her the keys to her new Lexus. COME ON, people! WHO would ever give their kid a Lexus? And like that? I just don’t see it happening – and since Kymberlie & I discussed it over lunch the other day now I laugh until my side hurts even more whenever I see it!


Why Tivo Rocks…

Know why Tivo rocks? When you’re watching Saturday Night Live and you miss a joke because you are reading blogs at the same time – you can rewind it and catch it on the flip side! Tivo ROCKS!!! As Gay Hitler said – Sprechen sie dick? Or as the New Yorkiest New Yorker said – is it called Operation Regretable Inevitability? Operation Uncomfortable Necessity? Bin Ladin is like Law & Order on TV in Afghanistan. And the FBI warnings … 100% of a chance of another attack – at 100% you can drop the word chance! Ooooh, Weekend Update cracks me up.


I was a Secret Santa…

As I mentioned before, I participated in two secret santa projects this year – one of them was the ThinkBlank Secret Santa project, and I have to say I think I was one of the luckier participants in a way – I was assigned someone whose blog I have actually read – Dori of Backup Brain. I found her site through Meryl’s, and of course if Meryl liked her I knew I would too. I also participated in Mar’s Secret Santa project, where I was assigned Jennifer, and with the help of Robyn & Todd I was able to pull off cool surprise since her gift won’t ship until January 4th. Jessy sent me a wonderful Enya CD, and I think my other Secret Santa gift is on it’s way … it’s not here yet but that’s ok! I’m thankful for who I was assigned – knowing them made it so much more fun to “shop” their wishlist for them! Heck, I’m thankful for all of my friends online.

So, if you participated in a Secret Santa project, what did you think of it? Would you do it again?