Meme Me

One Year…

Promo’s Monday Mission is One Year Old today, and I’m so proud of him! I’ll do mine tomorrow, but I think you should do yours right now!


Feeling the Love…

Heather commented the other day on reasons to love the Internet. I’ve always agreed with that sentiment, but do tonight probably more than ever. I don’t have time to write everyone back personally yet – I have to work on my resume! – but I will be over the next few days. Meanwhile I just want to take a moment to say thank you to everyone for your kind words and encouragement. It has helped to remind me of all the positive things in the world, and the power of the human connection.

I had a *fantastic* conversation with ed k. about the legal world and the job I had for 4 years with one of the top 10 law firms in the nation. (Well, at the time … not sure if they still are.) He’s a man in the know about the field and the industry and has given me some great leads – so hopefully I’ll have even more interviews as the week goes on. It’s been 3 years, and some things have changed out there – but I learn new software at a speedy pace, so I’m not worried. Plus if I need training, I’ll just head to Dallas and learn from the master!

Off to type up my resume so I can send it off. I’ll keep you guys posted!


Happy Holidays…

Well, well, well … what to say. I’m almost at a loss for words, even though hours have passed since I first got the news. What news? Well, rather than the usual holiday glee and fun, I’ll be spending the next few weeks looking for a new job.

Yes, looking for a new job.

What a way to start off the week. What a way to start off the month of December. What a day.

However, I’m not in a panic. Yes, the techno industry job market sucks right now – but I’ve said for several months how I miss the corporate world. I can still keep my feet in the web world thanks to Blogomania, but I’ve already set up interviews for later this week for jobs in the legal and corporate world. It’s time.

Everything happens for a reason – I’ve been through this before and I came out on top then, I’m sure I’ll come out on top again. Thank you again to my parents, Mike, Chelsey, Kymberlie, and Brian for their support today. Seriously, it made things a lot easier to handle. I needed you guys, and you were there for me. It means a lot.

If you’ve sent me e-mails … well, they’ve been wiped out thanks to all of this. If I haven’t answered you, please resend it and I’ll get it answered as quick as I can. If you sent me your address within the past week for holiday card swapping, could you e-mail me that info again too? I was planning on working on Holiday cards tonight – looks like the plans have changed a little, I have a resume to tweak!

Media Consumption

Who Was She?

Did anyone watch last night’s Alice“? Who was it? I’m totally baffled and I can’t find it anywhere online. Anyone know?

In the News

World AIDS Day, 2002…


I almost didn’t realize that today is December 1st (4 days off of work will do that to you) and it is World AIDS Day: Link and Think. There are a lot of great articles and stories linked at MetaFilter – give them some of your attention.

Of note to me is an opinion article on AIDS a century from now. “Without intervention, a billion could die amid many wrecked economies”. Did you realize that over half of the global population with AIDS lives in Africa?

What scares me is that the Average American kids (or adults for that matter) are becoming reckless again these days. I doubt that the average American teen is practicing safe sex – especially not when you hear in the news about kids having group sex parties, one girl having sex with 10 guys in a night, girls that want to get pregnant and have babies while they are in their teens. And I know adults that aren’t any better about making sure they use protection.

It’s sort of like the old Smokey the Bear commercials – remember them? “Only you can prevent forest fires”. Well, it’s true for this too – only YOU can prevent AIDS. Protect yourself. Protect your current partner. Protect any future partner you might have. Do it for all of us.

I wrote quite passionately about this last year, and my feelings haven’t changed. You can read my two posts here and here.

The first post goes in to my feelings on AIDS, the fears that I used to have, the things that I have personally been through. I wrote it on December 1st last year for Link & Think. I can’t even summarize it, the feelings are too strong.

The second post goes in to a turning point I experienced two years ago. “It was a turning point in my own life. It was when I stopped and looked around and realized that I didn’t want to be in her shoes. It was when the point hit home for me. It was when I realized that there is a reason we are taught all of our lives to “wait until you are married” … because every consequence of sex is one that will effect you for the rest of your life. Sure, you can have sex without consequences, you can get lucky … but it doesn’t always work that way.”

Before you go to bed with someone, have sex with someone … whatever it may be – THINK. Is the pricetag worth the pleasure? Are you willing to pay the price?