In the News

Nuns Gone Wild!

Nuns suspended for going on wild Club 18-30 holiday – it seems that 12 nuns from the U.S. (supposedly) went on a trip and had sex with 43 men in 2 weeks. Because they wanted to experience sin.

Now if 12 nuns each had sex with one man, that is one thing. But 43 men in 2 weeks? That is way beyond sin. Really way beyond sin. Just add water and get an insta-slut!

[via Ben]

WARNING: This news article may or may not be true. It may just be a satire newspaper in the same vein as The Onion. I have linked to a story that made me laugh. I took it as a joke, almost like that one about the Priest, the Rabbi and the Minister that walked into a bar. It was not my intention to insult Catholics in any way, and I do not feel that nuns are sluts. (I am especially not saying that “all nuns are sluts,” because that would be a very broad statement that is simply not logical.) I linked to it only because it made me giggle. My link is no indication of my sentiments about the Catholic faith. I am, under no circumstances, Catholic bashing.

(What a said day it is when I have to post a “disclaimer” like this on my own site. This is also the first time I have been forced to close comments on a post, and any future comments about this topic will be deleted.)


That’s a Good Question…

I was a slacker yesterday and only went through my critical e-mail, leaving the mailing lists, spam, and all the other goodies for this morning. As I went through them, there was one from Hotwire with the subject line of:

“Why aren’t you in Europe?”

Dude, that’s a good question. Anyone have a spare plane ticket?

Know the Code

Old School WordPress…

Now that WordPress 1.5 is available, I need a copy of WP 1.2.1 or 1.2.2. Does anyone have a copy of Old School WordPress laying around that they can share?



Wondering what a Blurker is? Well, it’s a phrase that Mike & I helped to define back in 2002, shortly after we first met.

Blurker (BLUR-kur): n. 1. One who reads many blogs but leaves no evidence of themselves such as comments behind; a silent observer of blogs. 2. One who reads many blogs but has no blog of their own; a blog-watcher or blog voyeur.

So if you want to increase your traffic or meet new people – whatever works for you – then shake off the label and comment. I promise, we’re nice around here.

Media Consumption

Like Your TiVo, Only Cuter…

Just in case you missed it, The Amazing Race 7 starts TONIGHT! Former Survivor members and a POW will be participants on this season’s show.

Not only is there the Amazing Race tonight, there is an America’s Next Top Model show! It’s a follow-up on the girls from Season 3; Season 4 starts tomorrow night!

For someone that used to hate reality shows, I sure do watch a lot of them now, don’t I? Well, we all have to have our vices. It could be a lot worse!