Picture Time

A Call for Help…

Rewriting what I wrote so it’s not so cryptic, this post has been edited from it’s original form…

I have a little call for help… No, not the TV show. (Did you catch Chris yesterday? He rocked!) This call for help involves comments. I know you’re out there, and yet you’re not saying anything. Sooooo… if you’ve never left a comment before, could you leave one now? Pretty please? I love knowing who has been here! I just have to say it every few months – this is an open space. I welcome comments from everyone, even if I don’t know you. Heck, most of the bloggers that I do know I met thanks to comments! There is no inner circle, no special club. Even if the most you want to say is “hey! I’m here!” and nothing more – it’s all good. Now is your chance to speak up and be noticed! So, are you out there? Have you said “Hi!” yet? What’s standing in your way? I promise – it’s not me. I want to hear from you! So speak up! Everyone is welcome at the Casa de Big Pink Cookie!

Add to that the fact that I am working with Jennifer to test some ScriptyGoddess goodness and I will probably put a “Restricted Access” system in to place in the future if I get a new job and I want to hide certain posts from “The Man”. Your comments now would help me out in the future! See, even more of a reason to leave a comment!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

25 replies on “A Call for Help…”

Heh. Hey, I’m here! I can be shy with people I don’t know, but I talk when I have something to say. It’s the same thing in ‘RL’, I didn’t talk to anyone for six months at work and then all of the sudden I felt comfortable with them and now they can’t shut me up, and oh geez, here I am giving my whole life story in your comments section. In any case, it’s a comment. 😀

I feel guilty when I’m lurking and people ask for comments so… I’m commenting! The only problem I have with the internet is that everyone can read everything so good luck with the restricted access, if you do it! There, I commented… wasn’t so hard…!

Hey, I’m here. Been reading for a while. My blog has changed locations several times over the last two years (wow, has it really been that long?) but I think I’m stable for a while now.

I’ve been reading your blog for about a year and a half and I can’t remember if I’ve ever left a comment. I don’t have a blog, though…I just like reading everyone else’s. (Really, I just don’t know how to do it. Otherwise, it might be fun!)

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