In case you wonder why I would consider restricting the access to certain posts in the future – check this out: “Free Speech — Virtually“. Yes, you could get in trouble for what you blog about. Or when you blog. Or why you blog. Blogs have many, many positive aspects, and the list of people I have met thanks to my blog is very long and includes many people that are near and dear to my heart. But that doesn’t matter to the boss, does it? [via Robyn]
Then again, there are places like Snarky Bitch where you can keep your rants much more private in a public way!
7 replies on “Speaking of Restrictions…”
I beat ya to this article… check your time vs mine!
I’ve gotten in trouble at my job for blogging. I don’t even LOOK at my site while I’m working anymore!
The restricted access thing is a great idea. LiveJournal has it.
I have been thinking about deleting my blog for several reasons: 1- work 2- recently found out my FIL reads it and 3- it’s not as fun as it used to be.
But I’m not yet ready to throw in the towel, for some reason. Instead, I just went through and made all of my questionable work related entries “Draft” instead of “Publish”. I feel more secure where the work area is concerned, at least!
I’ve been thinking about the restricted area thing too. I’ve been very careful about what I say about work on my blog because of the things in that article.
I may need to do that some day. (As you well know the situation.)
Lovely to see such a wonderful site. Thank you
I must say that I was surprised to find this web page, but – – – Good Job.