In the last week of Photo I, we toned prints. This came out of the darkroom black & white; after about 45 minutes in chemicals it was sepia toned. Taken at the cemetary in Galveston, April 2006.
I was pleasantly surprised yesterday to realize that I actually remember more from the first unit of Biology (the evil bacteria and protista unit) than I thought I did. So studying for the final tomorrow hasn’t been too bad at all. After this, I’ll spend time studying for the Chemistry final (Wednesday) and then Photography (Thursday). I have pretty solid grades in all three classes, so unless I got perfect scores or failed the tests really bad, that isn’t going to change. That takes a lot of the pressure off of me.
I can’t believe this semester is almost over. Thank goodness! Yeah!
I started my latest pair of socks last week using the Trekking XXL #107 pink and green yarn. I’m very “meh” about the color though – I’m going to just run waste yarn through the first sock so I can take it off the needles and I can move on to my “Big Pink Cookie” yarn. Odd, because I loved the Trekking color as Janet was making hers. Of course, every ball of Trekking can be just a little different. I’ll photograph mine later today and share. I have to move on though because I need something that doesn’t take much concentration right now, just round-and-round knitting. After finals I’ll move on to projects that require more focus – I have some lace waiting in the wings for me!
Speaking of taking pictures of things – I’ll take a picture of the new enlarger too! We went and picked it up yesterday. It is so wonderful. PERFECT. Exactly as I was hoping it would be. Huge props to Craigslist, which is where I found it. I promised Cindy, the previous owner, that I would show it a lot of love. You can tell she loved it and took great care of it over the years.
If all goes according to my current plan, I’ll be recording the next Pointy Sticks podcast later today. I’m so psyched! I want to do it right now, but I have to review the plant kingdom first. Then I can play for a little bit!
2 replies on “All is Quiet…”
There are few better feeling than when you are done with your finials.
Any fun plans for the summer?
I am so jealous of your course (though probably not your instructor- I need feed back and will be vocal about that 🙂 I wish so deeply that I could take a photo course (irony of ironies… I live in one of the most photographed city, but finding a course that isn’t for art students only- ONE BIG BITCH).
I guess instead I’ll stalk sites, try to find a good reference book to learn the beginner basics and start searching for gear 🙂