My life seems to revolve around appointments for service calls lately. The cable guy, the delivery of the fridge & the washing machine, the dryer delivery (they were backordered), the cable guy (who no-showed), the cable guy (who arrived between 2-4 as scheduled. Yeah!), and the delivery of a new fridge.
Yes, a new fridge. The first one had some relatively minor scratches on the front, but I knew they would bug me every time I looked at the fridge. Originally, they offered us a refund or a new fridge. We considered the refund, but then I realized just how much it would bug me, and the delivery of the new fridge was set up. We discovered later that the one we currently have has a tendency to turn off the fridge side every once in awhile – you will open up the door and the light won’t come on and you can tell it’s not running – so it seems we made the best decision after all.
Last night was yet another night of being wide awake way too late. Weeks on end now – I just can’t take it any more. I finally fell asleep somewhere around 4 am. At 8:30 am, the Best Buy delivery guys called to say they would be here in about 20 minutes. I was, of course, sound asleep. I ran around, got dressed, and emptied out the entire refrigerator, just in time for their arrival.
The delivery guy moved the current fridge away from the wall. He turned off the water line for the icemaker. He started to unscrew the water … and it started to spray everywhere. The water valve won’t turn off. Gah! I brought him towels, and he tried one more time – just in case he didn’t get it turned all the way off. No go. It still started to spray.
So the old fridge is still here, and now I have to wait for yet another service call from Vito Services – a local plumber to put in a new valve! Then they will bring me back a new fridge. Really, does the fun ever end?
6 replies on “Another Day, Another Service Call…”
After ordering a TV from Best Buy, then having a world of trouble having it delivered when it was promised, I chose not to deal with them when I had to buy appliances for my apartment. I went to Lowe’s instead, and their service was terrific. Delivery was right on time, the drivers were very courteous and professional – the polar opposite of the Best Buy goons who nearly dropped my television down a flight of stairs.
Dude, that sucks. Sorry to interrupt your nap this afternoon. Call me when you get a chance. 🙂
Jeez, talk about bad luck.
I have had that kinda luck though waiting for cable people (Typically to fix my cable modem). By the time they arrive, the problem is already fixed…kinda pointless.
Actually, Best Buy has been *fabulous* about their deliveries. They have been on time all three times. They were courteous and efficient. I would go back to them in a minute. (We chose to get the initial delivery split up – they would have delivered them all at once, but since I wanted the fridge right away, the delivery was free.) So now I just need to get a plumber … no fault of the Best Buy guys though!
Now that I actually sit and think about it – it occurs to me that I have been to Belch Buy many times but never purchased anything.
i love when the cable modem people don’t show up on time, cause then i get more than half off my bill for the month 🙂