Reading about this fantastic teacher makes me wish that all teachers could be so good. That would be a parent’s dream come true. It’s also refreshing to see someone go through such a tragic accident and turn their life around in to so much good that has touched so many others. Funny to think that sometimes the biggest blessings are all around you, even in the dark and lonely places, waiting for you to find them. [Via Sarah]
After a long day, it was just a little much needed reminder…
4 replies on “Blessings Hide In Strange Places…”
that was an amazing article…it would have been something to know a teacher like that. very inspirational…
That was the greatest article. It really does make you think about things differently after you read it. Heh.
That was cute. They’re fresh lollipops! 🙂
I have found that the biggest blessings come out of my darkest times, once they have passed, and I can look back and see how God has brought me through them.