
She’s A Rockstaaaar!!!

Back at the beginning of the wedding planning, Mike & I discussed creating a CD for wedding favors. It was a logical choice, considering he sings bass for the Lager Rhythms. However, then we moved. And there were a lot of other things to plan and do. Plus I’m Chelsey’s Maid of Honor for her September wedding. I decided to prioritize things based on the essentials versus the fun items that would be nice to have.

The CD was pushed to the back burner, but I knew I really wanted them. I didn’t want a favor that people would just toss. I think people are a lot more likely to listen to a CD and hold on to it. But there just wasn’t time to do it all.

Then Kymberlie came to my rescue. She’s a ROCKSTAR! She’s a diva! She is sooooo wonderful. I love and adore her. Why? Because the CD master, the queen of Burn It, offered to make the CDs for us.

YES! We will have CDs at the wedding to give to our guests!

It took me a couple of days to get the play list perfect. It includes the four songs that the DJ “must” play at the wedding: our first dance, the father/daughter (and mother/son) dance, a song we are dedicating to our guests, and the last dance song. It includes songs about love and happiness together. It includes songs special to both of us that we have loved since childhood. It includes Barry Manilow and Kermit the Frog. It simply ROCKS!

She helped us find the perfect photo, and with some going back and forth we got the text on there and it looks gorgeous. I can’t wait to get my hands on one of them tomorrow when we go to Galveston!

And I wouldn’t have them without Kymberlie. I can’t even begin to tell you how much Mike & I appreciate her help – it’s like the finishing touch on what will be a fabulous day!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

17 replies on “She’s A Rockstaaaar!!!”

Jay and I did cd favors for our wedding, too – and they went over big! My mom still hears from friends about how they have the cd in rotation in their car or at home.

Yay for Kymberlie! She does totally rock. 🙂

i love wedding cds. i haven’t been to one that gave them out yet… but my parents have been to several and i’ve listened to them at their house and i always get misty-eyed. the song i hear the most is “At Last” by Etta James.

You probably won’t have time to read this anytime soon, but just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you and wishing you the best. Sorry I couldn’t be there in person! (When ARE they going to invent those pod-transportation like devices – like the one in the FLY – of course, then I’d be paranoid about turning into a fly-creature thingy… oh well. I guess there’s no winning. LOL!)


Christine, congratulations to you and Mike and Jason; by the time you read this, I’m sure Mike will be Mr. BigPinkCookie – I hope you all had a great time, and I wish you years and years of happiness!

I’ve only been to one wedding which gave away cd’s as one of the favors. it was two years ago and my entire family still listens to the cd till now. Its a really great idea! God bless you both!

I like that idea – I’ve only been to one wedding where they gave cd’s as a favor and I actually really liked it and still have it as opposed to others where I got candy or a candle.

Last year a good friend of mine got married, and they were making cds for take home gifts to the guests. Their computer could burn them at a speed of one every fifteen minutes or something like that. They called me, and I was happy to do it for them – each cd took five minutes (or less)… and I burned cds for two days – finally got them all done!

The thing is, I tested random songs on each cd to make sure they burned properly. By the time I got to the wedding reception, I had been listening to their music selections for two days. (bleh. this song. again. hm.) 🙂

– got my name in the program, though!

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