Eep! I’m gathering things together for the wedding, and I need a copy of “For Once in My Life” from the Frank Sinatra Duets II CD. Anyone have it? The rest of the album is available through Rhapsody, but that track isn’t – and it’s the one I need!
I Have a Need…
In Austin? Heading anywhere near the Convention Center this week? Willing to help me get something I didn’t get before I left SXSW? If so, please contact me via e-mail: Christine at Thanks in advance.
3 replies on “I Have a Need…”
Sounds suspicious. Sure you’re not a terrorist?
Um, no. I need something for Jason purchased for me (I’ll pay for it) and mailed to me.
Really, if I was a terrorist trying to hurt someone else’s rank on Blogrolling, why would numbers be dropping too?
don’t have mail open–just wanted to say I’m your gal–the kids and I are off for a couple of days and we could go get it for you! write me at the submitted address.
Comments are closed.
7 replies on “I Have a Need…”
Have a beautiful wedding!
I’ve been scouring the net, but all I can find say Tony Bennett rather than Frank! Grrr. I hope you are able to find it.
I admit I’ve heard better recordings, but if you don’t find it elsewhere you can get it from that link. Happy Wedding. 🙂
Hmmm – I seem to have messed up the link. I hope?
Did you get it OK? If not, email me. Happy marrying!
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