Picture Time Wedding Photographer

Blogger Wedding of the Year!

Karen dubbed it “The Blogger Wedding of the Year! ™” on Twitter, and it definitely lived up to its name! Jim & Leia’s wedding was such a beautiful, intimate affair held in the backyard of their home in Dallas, Texas. They invited a small core of family and out of town guests to the ceremony, and then for the reception they opened their house and had a great big PARTY! From the toasting beer mugs to the chocolate fountain, fun was had by everyone that was there. Oh! And there were cupcakes, with goodies to decorate them with! The weather threatened all day long to rain them out and force us all indoors, but the tent went up early, the weather cleared up for us, and aside from the slightly soggy ground which liked to eat the high-heeled shoes, it was a lovely day.

Ah, good times, good times. It was such an honor to be asked by Jim & Leia to share in and capture this very special day in their life! And as an added perk, a huge box showed up from Amazon yesterday with my very own chocolate fountain! How cool is that? Now I just need to figure out where to get one of those cool blow-up microphones. Then our party set-up will be complete!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

4 replies on “Blogger Wedding of the Year!”

Sounds to me like you had a great time at Jim and Leia’s wedding. A lot of quirky little events took place and it sounds like it was an occasion with a very “family” and “comfortable” feel to it. Definitely the ideal kind of atmosphere you want to have at a wedding!

Makes me look forward to mine that little bit more.

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