Media Consumption

Bloggers, Unite!

Watching the Late Late Show with Drew Carey as the guest host, and he’s now interviewing Zach Braff – and they started to discuss Zach’s blog! He said that he writes all of his own posts, and it was hysterical to hear him and Drew describe a weblog. Then Zach said that he actually reads all the comments himself – sitting up late at night with a cup of coffee and refreshing the screen to see the comments coming in.

Funny, I bet the rest of us do the same thing when it comes to our own blogs. Nice to know he’s just like the rest of us.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

7 replies on “Bloggers, Unite!”

to me, once you meet a blogger in person, it makes them more “real.” i know that sounds strange, but that’s how i equate it all. as far as celebs go, when they have blogs, they seem more “real” to me. to see that he actually reads all his comments, he’s cool in my book… but i just can’t stand watching Scrubs! that show is just not funny to me. 😐

You guys don’t like Scrubs!? Heathens! That is our favorite sitcom!!! Ack! How can I remain friends with you guys? 🙂

I meant to post about Zach’s blog back when we saw Garden State (it’s linked from the movie’s site) but I forgot.

I think that it is funny. I mean, if you’re a celeb and you have a blog, you have to think of the many comments that you are going to get. Imagine if it was Nicole Kidman, or Britney Spears (now that would be funny).
It is kind of cool, though I dare say that he will stop writing in it when he needs to stop promoting his movie.
How can you not like Scrubs, its so silly it is funny.

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