Geek Love

Blogroll Dustbunnies…

I’m clearing out the dust bunnies on my blogroll, and I’m splitting it all up to bloggers I have met in person and bloggers that I dream of meeting in person someday. I’ve noticed that that meets my blog surfing needs better and it’s how I have my RSS feeds set up too. If you notice anything wonky going on around here, don’t worry. It’s just me screwing everything up.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

19 replies on “Blogroll Dustbunnies…”

I’ve got mine divided up too, but I go by pingers & non-pingers. Otherwise the non-pingers fall to the bottom of my blogroll and I forget to check them! I’ve only got a couple bloggers I’ve met in person; it was such a wonderful experience that I hope I can meet lots more in the future. 🙂

I’ve met a ton of bloggers in person – both locally, at SXSW, and in my travels to Boston. Out of all of them, there is only one or two that I knew first before they became bloggers – I like to think of them as my “converts”.

Texas is like the Mecca of bloggers, I swear. I can think off the top of my head around two dozen Texans I want to meet. I’ve met, what, five bloggers in total? Four of which were locals. Two of which met through their blogs and are now getting married.

Ooh, I feel all warm and fuzzy now. First the Tripper tribute and now this. *big cheesy thumbs up*

Lacking truly inspiring work for which I am paid, I found your issue in Mozilla. On the entry “Books Crossing Your Path…” from Sept 10th there is a quote in the first line without a closing P tag. I don’t understand why Mozilla pukes on it and puts all remaining entries on your right-nav, but it is just another entry on the “stuff I don’t understand, and don’t wanna.”


I’ve been surfing more again now that I’m on the laptop as well as my PC and it’s been very sad to see how many blogs I loved that have disappeared. It also makes me feel completely guilty for not noticing they stopped blogging sooner.

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