Working hard, but I needed some background noise, some tunes to help me chill – so I’m listening to my Launchcast station. Want to join me listening to the BPC? Have a station of your own that I can listen to? Hook me up!
Working hard, but I needed some background noise, some tunes to help me chill – so I’m listening to my Launchcast station. Want to join me listening to the BPC? Have a station of your own that I can listen to? Hook me up!
2 replies on “BPC Tunes…”
Wait, wait, I’ve got it…
I’ll have my people call your people and we’ll do Launch
Okay, I’ll be good(tm) now.
Hehe, I finally upgraded my browser at work today and now Launch works again – I’m so happy! 😀 Somehow it got the idea that I like Steve Martin, and now I get all of his standup routines! (I think my giving him a rating of 90% might have something to do with that. 😉