
Buff and Burning…

I went to the gym and worked out, getting reaquanted with the machines. Not too bad, a little sore here and there – but I took it easy, but I can feel it in my arms and legs. As my reward, I joined The Biggest Losers in the Blogosphere. I’ve been on a support e-mail list for a few months already, and it’s always good to know that there are people standing behind you, cheering you on. Thank you to everyone for your support yesterday! It’s a huge boost – I can’t let you down!

Plus, to be honest – there is nothing quite like the rush you get from working out. It just feels so goooooooood. Know what I mean?

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

13 replies on “Buff and Burning…”

Actually, I always feel like sh*t after a workout. 🙁 I’m not sure why, but I always feel like dying afterwards. Even when I take it easy. Whether it’s walking or weights or whatever. Sometimes I feel sick, other times I’m just so worn out all I want to do is curl up into a ball and die. Sure makes it hard to lose weight. 🙁 However, I know what u mean about support. I belong to an online message board for weightloss support and it is a god-send. Some of us gals have been friends for years now. It’s so important to have support in fitness. Good for your for working out, good luck! 😀

Today marked my return to the gym too… although I just did a yoga class. And damn, if’n that ain’t a workout for people like me who are weak, not flexible, and don’t work out regularly.

Although it was killing my fingers, everything else felt really quite good afterwards. I know the rush you’re talking about! Keep up the good work. 🙂

Why did I have to read this just when I am on the verge of making a renewed committment to losing some tonnage? Why do I know have to know there is support in blogland for me? It was easier to wallow alone.

Okay, I will go check it out, And that bite mark in your Pink Cookie was not from me.

i think dragging myself to the gym in the morning is the worst part for me. it’s sometimes tough for me to motivate myself into going. but once i’m there, i enjoy the workout and like you christine, i feel a lot better afterwards. 🙂

Congrats to you on working out. I’m envious! (I’m still on ‘bed rest’ for another 3 weeks) I agree with the rush of working out, it’s getting into the habit is my hard part!

The first few times you go to the gym, you feel good after, but then the next day the soreness kicks in. After a week or so then it really starts to kick in, and you will feel energized every day. Especially after a workout.

I go four days a week and haven’t felt this good in my life.

Keep at it, and you won’t regret it.


We just recently started running every other day, and you get that same rush after sprinting for a few hundred meters. I’m very proud of you, and I know your son will appreciate it as well!

Hahaha! You said “reaquainted with the machines” in your post. That calls to mind something along the lines of this!!

Ah, yes, I know the rush you’re talking about. Had it last night after my workout and wasn’t able to sleep! Congrats on getting back to the gym AND joining up with the Biggest Losers. Support makes a hell of a difference when it comes to something like this. Good luck!

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