Meme Me

Monday Mission 2.25 Presents: Monday Mission 2.25 Read on for more…

Meme Me

Who I Am…

Time for a fun new game with Google! This one will help you figure out who you are. Type in your name with the word is after it with quotes around it and see what gems you find! After entering in “Christine is” this is what I came up with!

:: Christine is involved in a number of educational projects with Angus Council and Highland Council.
:: Christine is Going To In 2002 (I bet I’m the only person who did my name and hit a Christine that I actually know.)
:: Christine is still a closet Celine fan.
:: Christine is a celebrated concert vocalist and national recording artist, delighting audiences across the country and abroad with her “natural melodious”.
:: Christine is a talented writer and the author of many books, including the MageLore Trilogy, the ElfLore Trilogy and the Trinity Bay series of horror novels.
:: Christine is dedicated to famous
Pittsburgh filmmaker George Romero, for whom King wrote Creepshow.
(Yes, that would be Stephen King. I knew his “Christine” would have to come up. Christine like the car…)
:: Christine is the vocalist with The Saturday Night Live Band.
:: Christine is active in the Technology In the Practice of Law Committee of the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis.
:: Christine is a myth buster. She’ll answer by saying, “Oh, really?? and is loved by everyone who knows her.
:: Christine is a contributing author to Chicken Soup for the Survivor’s Soul, Chicken Soup for the Golfer’s Soul, Chicken Soup for the Writer’s Soul

[via Robyn and Michele]

Meme Me

This Or That…

Time for This or That

1. Popcorn at the movies: buttered or not? Buttered
2. Sometimes you feel like a nut..sometimes you don’t…Mounds or Almond Joy? Blech. Neither one.
3. Chips or pretzels? Both.
4. Milky Way or Snickers? Milky Way. (I hate nuts.)
5. M&M’s or Reese’s Pieces? Both.
6. McDonald’s or Burger King? Burger King.
7. Vanilla Coke or Pepsi Twist? I prefer my Pepsi plain, thank you…
8. Hostess Twinkies or Cupcakes? Ewwww… neither one. I hate that cream filling stuff.
9. Hershey’s Kisses or Hugs? Kisses.
10. Original Mountain Dew or Code Red? None. Can you pass me some water?

Meme Me

This Little Piggie Went to Market…

So many “Polish It!” pictures! Yeah! Some from Cis, Robyn, Kristine, and Jennifer has hers coming soon. It’s summer! Join in!

And yes, VASpider, previously painted toesies count too! Mikey, being a guy is no excuse. Come on, Todd has a rack browser picture! You can paint your toenails! And Trey – sorry. My toes are clean and manicured thanks to that kick-ass pedicure mentioned below, but they just need that burst of color in the summer time! Everyone’s do, so “Polish It!” On that note – here’s mine! In front of the computer in the public computer room at the resort, just an hour or so after my pedicure…

Meme Me

Meme Me…

The latest Blogwhore challenge? To start a meme. So come on everyone. Reach up, put your hands in the air, wiggle your fingers, stretch, and let’s go!

In honor of my recent travels, I’d like for you to polish it. Your toes, that is. Paint your toes up all pretty, take a picture & post it! I’ll post mine tomorrow night when I get back to Houston – I can’t do it from here. Post your polish pics and link to me! “Polish It!” Please? Pretty please? Thank you! I just want to prove once and for all that I am your blogwhore…