Meme Me

Similar Minds?

I took the similar minds enneagram test to see how similar I am to Kymberlie. I expected the results to be a bit of a gap – something like 60%. Boy, was I wrong! Compatibility Test
Your match with Kymberlie
you are 92% similar
you are 91% complementary

How Compatible are You with me?

Come on, take the test. I want to know.

Meme Me

Monday Mission 2.17 and Sappy Stories…

For a change, I think I’ll do PromoGuy’s Monday Mission on a Monday! NOTE: I stuck a sappy story in at the end too, just as added incentive to get you to read the whole thing…

1. When was the last time you pampered yourself? Hmmmm… not recently. I need to do that soon. I had a nice manicure & pedicure for my birthday last year. 7 months ago – too long! Then again, pampering comes on all sorts of levels, and I do little things for myself from time to time.

2. When was the last time someone pampered you? Hah! Good one. Uh, I don’t know. It’s been ages. Sometime last year? (Then again, being single has been one of the pampering to myself items, so I can’t complain!)

3. Describe the last time you recall really feeling loved (other than from children or pets). Again, “really loved” comes on many different levels too. I haven’t felt loved by someone in the romantic sense in some time. (At least a year.) On the other hand, I felt really loved by friends as recently as the beginning of April, when we went through the whole server move with Blogomania to the new home – the supporting e-mails and the offers to help from everyone kept me going during some otherwise trying and difficult days. (THANK YOU to everyone.)

4. Has your use of the computer ever caused any arguments? What’s the story there? The IO used to have a HUGE issue with it. I dont’ even want to think about the horrible things he said … I don’t even want to think about it. Moving on.

5. What’s the most embarrassing thing your Mom ever did? Hmmmm… I think it has something to do with the genes in our family, or maybe it’s my parent’s sense of humor or something, but I really don’t embarrass too easily. I can’t think of anything that she has done that has embarrassed me.

6. I’ve met some adults who’ve never learned to swim, and others who never learned how to ride a bike… Is there anything that you never learned as a child that you probably should have? I never learned when to shut my mouth. 😀

7. I have no idea who said it (and I spent all of two minutes trying to research it), but “someone” once said, a picture is worth a thousand words. Post an image that says more than words. Or instead, describe a picture you recall which touched your heart. I just posted it yesterday in the Pixelog. The picture of me with my Grandpa Z a month before he passed away. My Grandpa S died 4 years before I was born, so I never knew him – so Grandpa Z was the only grandfather I ever had.

(Now here’s the sappy part. It’s long – sorry.) I started my job in June of last year, but took off the first week of July for vacation so I could visit North Dakota & Minnesota – to see my family. A month later (the beginning of August) my grandfather passed away. The owner of the company was very understanding and allowed me to bring Jason to work with me for 4 days – we didn’t go to ND for the funeral, but my parents did – and since my Mom watches Jason while I’m at work I didn’t have a babysitter from as would have wanted to. Shortly after that, his grandfather got sick and passed away later that year.

When I was a little girl, my grandfather used to give me silver dollars all the time. That was the big treat when you saw grandpa – he gave you a silver dollar – and I will always associate them with him. In March, we had some transitions here at the company. We didn’t downsize, we didn’t lay people off – we fired 3 people that were causing havoc for the rest of us. They were truly toxic, and after they were fired (and the police had to come because they were violent, broke things and made threats) we had a company meeting. The owner of the company talked about how he values trust, and how he trusts every single person here to have the company’s best interest at heart. How he believes in all of us. Then he said how he & his grandfather used to collect silver dollars. They would go to trade shows to collect them even, hunting for the best ones. When his grandfather passed away, he inherited the collection. It meant a lot to him because of all the memories – and he wanted to share it with us. Throughout the rest of the day he met with us one-on-one to get our feedback on where the company had been and where we wanted to see it go. To thank us for our hard work, and for believing in the company even in this tight economy. For sticking it out. And he gave each of us one of his silver dollars. I cried, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who did.

My silver dollar is sitting on my desk. It reminds me of what is truly important, of why I love my job, and what it means to do your best. And it reminds me of my grandfather too, who was a wonderful example of all of those things.

Meme Me

This or That…

It’s Tuesday, and with Kymberlie in Vegas, I decided to just stay in for lunch. When I hit Delirious Cool (a way super cool person, let me tell you!) I realized that today is Tuesday, so it’s time for Ashley’s This-or-That! So here it goes…

1. Is your mouse pad plain or decorated? Work: the circle mousepad with the company logo that you will see on all of the desks here at 4 Guys. Not because they make us, but because we love the company that much. Really. Home: touchpad – no need for a mousepad.

2. Do you own a web cam? I own one, but it’s not set up right now. Maybe someday it will return.

3. Which do you do use more often online: email or search? E-mail.

4. Do you use HTML coding, WYSIWYG editor, or something else to create your web pages? Notepad. Hand coded, down to the last character. I really need to reinstall Homesite, I like how it helps with the tags but still has the hand-coding feel.

5. Do you forward chain emails? No.

6. Do you forward those mushy stories that take 20 minutes to read? Not normally, and only to special people who I think will be really moved by them. Just like the jokes, I need to set up a blog for them sometime.

7. How large is your monitor: 14″, larger, or smaller? Work: 19″ monitor. Set to 1600×1200. (I love viewing 2 800 pixels wide windows at once!). Home: Laptop monitor which is larger then the standard size – 15″ maybe? Pretty big. Also set to 1600×1200.

8. Do you have a mouse with a scroller, one with two buttons, one with three? Two buttons with a scroller at work. I almost never use the scroller though, I always forget that it’s there. Laptop uses a touchpad.

9. Do you listen to music while surfing the web? Yes or no? Not normally. I have been using the headphones more at the office to drown out the noise & get into “the zone”. At home I normally watch TV while I surf. I *heart* WiFi!

10. How often do you clear your cookies, or cache? Uh, am I supposed to? Never. I might just do that this week. Then I’ll have to type my name back in on all the comment forms, won’t I?

Meme Me

Monday Mission…

It’s time for PromoGuy’s Monday Mission!

1. What caused your last case of psuedo-road rage?
Have you ever driven on FM 1960 in Houston? Enough said.

2. Tell me about one of your favorite television shows that was cancelled (past or present).
“Leap Years” on Showtime was a *fantastic* show and it didn’t make it past the first season. I was pretty bummed because I really enjoyed it. “Inside Schwartz” was also a good show.

3. Have you ever gone online and pretended to be someone else? What’s the story there?
I have a site dedicated to my online dating experiences that uses a different name. I did it originally to keep that site separate from this one.

4. What was (is) one of your favorite Children’s books?
“Where the Sidewalk Ends” by Shel Silverstein is one of my all-time favorites.

5. Can you recommend a CD (tape or otherwise) for me to listen to on the drive home?
James Taylor’s Greatest Hits is often my driving music of choice for road trips. However, as I drive home I normally just turn the radio off and enjoy the silence. I unwind much better that way.

6. What is your online nickname and what is the story behind how you selected it?
I am the Pixelwannabe. Not a “real” graphic designer by trade, I like to play one online. I am always in awe of the talents of the people I work with, so that leaves me as … the Pixelwannabe.

7. Ever been bitten or stung before (snake, wasp, dog, etc)?
I have 20+ mosquito bites on my right foot right now. I have been stung by a bee two or three different times. When I was in the third grade out delivering Girl Scout cookies I was bit by my friend’s dog. They had just gotten back from the vet’s, and fortunately I had jeans on so it wasn’t too bad.

BONUS: Does anybody love anybody anyway?
You should know by now that I know the lines to these songs but don’t know the rest of the song normally…

Meme Me

I Was About…

You said your birthday is 9 / 27 / 1969
which means you are 32 years old and about:
52 years 11 months younger than Walter Cronkite, age 85
49 years 4 months younger than Pope John Paul II, age 81
45 years 3 months younger than George Herbert Bush, age 77
38 years 0 months younger than Barbara Walters, age 70
35 years 10 months younger than Larry King, age 68
29 years 8 months younger than Ted Koppel, age 62
26 years 3 months younger than Geraldo Rivera, age 58
23 years 3 months younger than President G.W. Bush, age 55
18 years 2 months younger than Jesse Ventura, age 50
13 years 11 months younger than Bill Gates, age 46
9 years 3 months younger than John Elway, age 41
3 years 7 months younger than Cindy Crawford, age 36
1 year 10 months older than Jeff Gordon, age 30
6 years 3 months older than Tiger Woods, age 26
12 years 2 months older than Jenna and Barbara Bush, age 20

and that you were:
27 years old when Princess Diana died
25 years old at the time of Oklahoma City bombing
24 years old when O. J. Simpson was charged with murder
23 years old at the time of the bombing of the World Trade Center*
21 years old when Operation Desert Storm began
20 years old during the fall of the Berlin Wall
16 years old when the space shuttle Challenger exploded
14 years old when Apple introduced the Macintosh
13 years old during Sally Ride’s travel in space
11 years old when Pres. Reagan was shot by John Hinckley, Jr.
10 years old at the time the Iran hostage crisis began
6 years old on the U.S.’s bicentennial Fourth of July
4 years old when President Nixon left office
2 years old when Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace was shot

From Boy the Bear’s Age Gauge [via Pink Pixie]