Meme Me

Monday Mission…

It’s time for PromoGuy’s Monday Mission!

1. What caused your last case of psuedo-road rage?
Have you ever driven on FM 1960 in Houston? Enough said.

2. Tell me about one of your favorite television shows that was cancelled (past or present).
“Leap Years” on Showtime was a *fantastic* show and it didn’t make it past the first season. I was pretty bummed because I really enjoyed it. “Inside Schwartz” was also a good show.

3. Have you ever gone online and pretended to be someone else? What’s the story there?
I have a site dedicated to my online dating experiences that uses a different name. I did it originally to keep that site separate from this one.

4. What was (is) one of your favorite Children’s books?
“Where the Sidewalk Ends” by Shel Silverstein is one of my all-time favorites.

5. Can you recommend a CD (tape or otherwise) for me to listen to on the drive home?
James Taylor’s Greatest Hits is often my driving music of choice for road trips. However, as I drive home I normally just turn the radio off and enjoy the silence. I unwind much better that way.

6. What is your online nickname and what is the story behind how you selected it?
I am the Pixelwannabe. Not a “real” graphic designer by trade, I like to play one online. I am always in awe of the talents of the people I work with, so that leaves me as … the Pixelwannabe.

7. Ever been bitten or stung before (snake, wasp, dog, etc)?
I have 20+ mosquito bites on my right foot right now. I have been stung by a bee two or three different times. When I was in the third grade out delivering Girl Scout cookies I was bit by my friend’s dog. They had just gotten back from the vet’s, and fortunately I had jeans on so it wasn’t too bad.

BONUS: Does anybody love anybody anyway?
You should know by now that I know the lines to these songs but don’t know the rest of the song normally…

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

2 replies on “Monday Mission…”

There was a show called “Grapevine” in the early 90s that I thought was great. I think they gave to two chances to make it but it didn’t. Got good reviews however. Anyone else remember that show?

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Monday Mission!

It’s time again for Promo’s Monday Mission! Come on y’all, join in!

1. What was the most romantic moment you remember from last year?
ROFLMAO … uh, yeah. Ok. The year kicked off with breaking up with the IO. I did attempt to get back together with him, and while we went out and there was a moment or two I could consider romantic, I refuse. Know what’s funny? Now that he has found the blog I don’t miss him. At all. Isn’t that weird? I was still missing him often until then, now … I think of him in passing, without much of a missing him thought. Not in the lovesick puppy dog way. YEAH ME!

2. What is your most recent obsession?
Techno blogs. I am getting back into my gadget addictions, downloading and installing goodies. I blame it on Chris Pirillo and the daily Lockergnome newsletters. He’s pimpin’ technology to me. Other then that it’s my decluttering mission. I like my pretty clean house.

3. One of my favorite things in the world is to watch the sunset/sunrise, although rainbows are a close second. Tell me about your favorite natural occourance?
A nice walk in a forest, along a river or a stream. Sunny days where the temperature is just right. A field full of wildflowers.

4. I’ve always been told bad things come in “threes.” I really don’t believe in the rule of the “threes,” but have you had some experiences where it has proved to be true?
I have had good things come in “threes” – I won $100 in the lottery after only having $2 in my wallet and buying 2 “Quick-Pick” tickets; I was offered my job at the law firm that I used to work at (after months of job hunting and almost 3 months there as a temp-to-hire); I went to the firm’s 75th anniversary party and won one of the grand prizes, 2 round trip tickets on Continental. All between Wednesday & Saturday of the same week.

5. But then again, I am usually a positive person, takes a lot to “p” me off. Let’s talk about good things for a sec. What’s the most recent “good news” you have heard?
Happy clients. Lots of happy clients. Including the ones I went to see in Atlanta last week.

6. I’m not double-jointed and I can’t stop a fan-blade with my tongue. But I can curl my tongue as well as cross just one eye. Do you have any stupid human tricks?
I can curl my tongue both ways; I can roll my tongue up into an “o”; I can cross both eyes. I can read a book upside down, almost as fast as right-side up. I can amuse people, but I don’t know if that’s quite a “stupid human trick”.

7. I have to say, that really was a good movie. It is pretty early still, I think there are some things going on downtown. Anything strike your fancy?
How about a nice stroll downtown, see the sights, watch the freaks …

BONUS: Who can take a sunrise…sprinkle it with dew?
THE CANDY MAN CAN!!! (Yeah! I finally knew one! Willy Wonka ROCKS!)

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

3 replies on “Monday Mission!”

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