I’ve been busy, busy, busy!
– Presentation for honors day is ready, speech and powerpoint is done. Just have to pick out what I am going to wear and show up.
– Most of my research for the Biology project is done. (Still on campus right now because I was working on it.) Just have to put it in a better format and send off to lab partner to make the presentation.
– Most of my notes for the next podcast are done, and if I get home from the guild meeting early enough tonight I will record the show.
– Have to shoot one last roll of film for photography class – night picture, picture of a person by a window, and a reflection photo. (Something in a reflective surface.) Have ideas for all three, just need to take them.
– Study, study, study – lots of tests next week!
I also need to take pictures of my new YARN and some of my new prints from class. But not right now – it is time to go KNOT! (Knitters North of Town, the local chapter of KANG, the Knit at Night Guild.)
Notice how I said that my lab partner is making our presentation for next Tuesday? Yeah. I’m giving up control. I didn’t realize just how much of a control freak I am about things like this until yesterday, when I was working with my honor’s project partner on our presentation for tomorrow. I resisted the temptation to say it was just all wrong when I saw how “wordy” the slides were, but man … it was hard. I knew I had issues with liking things done a certain way, but I didn’t realize it was quite that bad! Ugh. I really must work on that. I do not need to obsess and control everything. The world is not going to fall apart if the slides do not look exactly like I want them to look. So for Biology, I am resisting the urge to try to take over and control everything with the attitude of “if it isn’t done my way it isn’t right.” I mean, I don’t cope very well when I am treated that way by other people, so it is time to stop doing it myself! (I also let my perfectionism stand in my way of completing things, because what if I do it wrong? But really, no, I don’t have issues. Nuh uh. Nope.)
I feel like I don’t know if I’m coming or going these days! Just 13 more days! 13 more days!
3 replies on “Check, Check, Check…”
Hang in there! You sound as if you have things well in hand, actually.
You do realize that the most important thing on the list is picking out the perfect outfit to wear . . .
Good luck!
i’m guilty of the “if it’s not done my way it’s not right” attitude too! especially when it comes to making the bed 🙂