Educate Me Knittastic!

Mmmm… Yarn!

Big Pink Cookie Sock Yarn

Isn’t it lovely? This is my lovely new Vesper Sock Yarn! I looooooove it! She calls it Neopolitan, but come on … that is Big Pink Cookie sock yarn! I couldn’t resist the BPC sock yarn!

I survived today. I just told myself right before the presentation that if I can do a podcast that an amazing number of people listen to (seriously. Freaks me out when I think about it, that big. Not as big as Cast-On, but big.) then I can handle talking in front of 10-15 people. I realized later on why I was so worried about it – every time we have gotten together with our project mentor, we have gotten a lot of “no, no, that is wrong” responses from her. She asked for an abstract to submit – ok, I’ve done abstracts. Several times. Write one, Mike checks it for me – I figure he has seen even more abstracts then I have – and I turn it in. Nope, it is wrong. She basically wanted, “We will first be giving a basic introduction to X-Ray Crystallography. We will then go over how we solved a structure.”

That? Not an abstract to me. Whatever, she is the boss. That isn’t exactly what we turned in for it, but close enough. I think it is missing a sentence, but my brain doesn’t have enough room left for the cheesiness of it.

Then we went over our outline. Once I made edits that were exactly what she said to say and that was still wrong! Bah. You know, I can feel myself tensing up just thinking about it – no wonder I have been so stressed out all week! In the end, she said it was good, she cheered us on today, said we did well. All the things she should have said. It would have helped if she had just said them earlier. I was thrilled when my Chem. I teacher (who was one of the judges) told me afterwards that I had done very well, seemed very composed, and that our slides were very nice. Yeah!

Oh, did I mention that my partner for the project ended up getting super sick Wednesday night, was up all night because of it, and wasn’t there yesterday to practice so we could iron out the kinks before the day of the presentation? Yeah. Fabulous. His whole family was hit by a stomach bug. I’m just glad he wasn’t sick today. He offered to come up to campus yesterday afternoon, and I told him no. First and foremost, he needed his rest. Second, I *really* did not want to risk getting sick myself. Keep the cooties at home when you are sick, people! Don’t share the cootie love. The rest of us do NOT want your germs! So yeah, the fact that he was sick didn’t add to the stress at all.

After the presentation was said and done, I went over to meet with the woman that wanted to buy my two Paris prints. I SOLD MY FIRST PICTURES TODAY!!! I can’t even begin to tell you how happy that makes me. She bought them for $30 each. I had to remind myself not to apologize for the price – a very bad habit of mine – but instead to take pride in my work and believe in them. I wish I could put the feeling I had when she handed me the money into words, but I can’t. I’ll just say that it was good.

When I left campus, I headed over to Twisted Yarns for an hour or so to join the Friday “Sit & Knit” group. It isn’t a formal event, but there is a group that gathers there every Friday to knit. Since the shop is on my way home if I take the back roads, I decided to stop. I was lucky and got the “squishy” chair, and I felt like I was just melting into that thing. All of the stress from this week was melting away. Literally. At least 3 different times when I turned my head, my neck popped. I hold way too much tension in my neck, since I clench my teeth without realizing it when the stress builds. By the time I got home, I was drained. Exhausted. I haven’t slept enough this week, and I am on the edge of getting sick. I can tell. I couldn’t keep my eyes open, I was so tired. I ended up laying down – because sleeping upright isn’t good for my neck either – and I took a lovely 3 hour nap.

I still feel tired and drained, but better. I’m going to bed soon, so I can be up fresh and early in the morning to record my (once again belated) podcast! I have been looking forward to doing that all week. When that is over, I get to study for the next round of tests. 12 more days left. I can make it.

Oh, and the Big Pink Cookie sock yarn? Soooooooft. Very nice. I can’t wait to knit with it! Want to see what it will look like? How cute are those? Love them!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

6 replies on “Mmmm… Yarn!”

I love that sock yarn! It’s fabulous and it says BPC all over it. Congrats on the sale of your first photos, you are now a commercial artist. Is that right? Well anyway, it must feel terrific. So, with school over in 12 days, how do you plan to spend your Summer Vacation?

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